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I'm Callin Bs

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i wouldn't ever believe it untill i saw it


but you honestly never know.


even if it did happen or could i'm sure the oil companies wouldn't EVER let it become available.

they'd either buy it or have that man shot and killed.

Edited by garagemethods (see edit history)
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i'll believe it when i see it. as far as the book...it looks like a children's coloring book.


I was skeptical when I hit about the third sentence in and found he couldn't even spell electronics correctly...


Oppp, found another one... preasantly. I always thought it was spelled presently. I'm so stoopid!!!

Edited by ImpalaSSpeed96 (see edit history)
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I was skeptical when I hit about the third sentence in and found he couldn't even spell electronics correctly...


exactly..."technology" as well


edit: entire sentence is just wrong...


Ive watched as cars got more and more difficult to work on due to ellectronic technoligy with vary little imorovment on the technoligy needed to greatly increase fuel mileage and decrease pollution with out making cars a ellectronical nightmare.


"ellectronical" FTL

Edited by WODY™ (see edit history)
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i dunno about that story, but when i was in high school i worked in an auto shop after school and i remember a customer came in with a new(at the time) chevy sedan, i dont remember what model. She claimed to have just bought it and something was wrong with the gas indicator, she said it was registering wrong and it was saying she was burning less gas than she thought she was. We checked it out and couldnt find anything wrong with it and we checked to see how much gas was in it and it was full! we asked the customer if she just filled up and she said she bought the car a week ago and didnt fill it up since. We called the dealer she bought it from and they said they were gonna call us back. Instead GM headquarters called and said to not release the car to the customer, and that THEY would be buying the car back from her and that THEY would be picking it up. Sure enough they came with another NEW sedan for her, and paid her for her troubles and picked up the car on the flatbed and left.... now i had a friend that worked as a service writer at the dealer where she bought it and i guess from what he said, the car had "TEST" engine components, and thats all GM told the dealer. Weather or not what he told me is bs, i dont know but i am for sure 100% positive on what i did see and hear with my own eyes and ears from my boss.

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i dunno about that story, but when i was in high school i worked in an auto shop after school and i remember a customer came in with a new(at the time) chevy sedan, i dont remember what model. She claimed to have just bought it and something was wrong with the gas indicator, she said it was registering wrong and it was saying she was burning less gas than she thought she was. We checked it out and couldnt find anything wrong with it and we checked to see how much gas was in it and it was full! we asked the customer if she just filled up and she said she bought the car a week ago and didnt fill it up since. We called the dealer she bought it from and they said they were gonna call us back. Instead GM headquarters called and said to not release the car to the customer, and that THEY would be buying the car back from her and that THEY would be picking it up. Sure enough they came with another NEW sedan for her, and paid her for her troubles and picked up the car on the flatbed and left.... now i had a friend that worked as a service writer at the dealer where she bought it and i guess from what he said, the car had "TEST" engine components, and thats all GM told the dealer. Weather or not what he told me is bs, i dont know but i am for sure 100% positive on what i did see and hear with my own eyes and ears from my boss.


if this is true, then you know certain people have these "components" installed and are laughing at us.

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I was skeptical when I hit about the third sentence in and found he couldn't even spell electronics correctly...


Oppp, found another one... preasantly. I always thought it was spelled presently. I'm so stoopid!!!



My thoughts exactly!! Look at how he spells "tecnoligy" the 1st run-together paragraph. This guy's grammar is shot.... And he wrote a book!! :rolleyes:



Edited by Bad Bowtie (see edit history)
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