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Car Audio Help Needed

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as of now i have 4 12' kicker cvr's with a hifonics brutus amp. i have the amp at a 1 ohm load and the subs are seeing around 400 watts rms. (the amp is 1600 watts rms)


BUT! i want more. i wanna loose the 4 12's and get new subs, and run one more of the brutus amps. (with a total rms wattage of 3200)


so my questions are:

are lanzar subs worth getting at all?

and does anyone know of something that will pound but won't kill my wallet?


....also has anyone heard the planet audio teflon components that supposedly handle 100 watts rms? (each speaker)

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The cvr,s you have are great speakers maybe the problem is the box did you build it to kickers specs 4 of them should beat your truck apart if that is not enough try 4 jl w 6,s and a jl 500/1 for each 12 that should be enough to hear if that is not enough I have a friend down the road with 6 jl w6 15's and 1000 watts going to each 15 I sat in it one time and it hurt and the truck was falling apart my ears rang for 2 or 3 days but hey it is kind of cool when you can shake the cars on the road beside you

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dood if you wanna good hard loud bass to handle the watage your gonna have to come out of pocket. i would say kicker solobarac or JL's is the way to go. i know that lanzar was bought out by pyramid along time ago back late 90's so they suck now. memphis audio is another good choice for ya. or you can allways get a cerwin vega stroker 12" sub and use just one amp.

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i'm very well versed in the car audio area. just some companies i haven't heard for myself, so i like to ask questions about them before i throw down for them.


my back seat has been removed for a massive box. and yes you are correct the cvr's are great! they do pound amazingly!!! but i wanted more, not that i would crank it all the time, but just to pound every once in a while.


the reason i've asked about the lanzars is bc i've gotten so many mixed opinions about them. and in my honest opinion, the jl's and memphis stuff is great but OUTRAGIOUSLY overpriced.

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Post pics when you are done, I would love to see it; let use know what it SPLs at too.


I'm going a different direction, replacing the 100A fuses in my Orion 2500D with 150's and running 4 small Digital Designs subs in a ported box, only because I want to keep the rear seat still. The goal is 145db, we'll see how far we get when the time comes.


What did you decide to do for batteries & alt?


Mr. P. :)

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)
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