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Just Found Out


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I'm at work yesterday and i get a phone call from my dad saying my moms tests didn't go well. I ask him well whats wrong and i get i'll tell u when u get home so after nagging him 4 awhile he tell me. She has a spot on her breast and it's cancer :tear: . Whats the first thing i do i come on here and talk 2 Dan Fireman31 Kev krambo 8hnpss Niko and MArk rockhead. Thanks again guys 4 being there 4 me. She said everything should be ok.

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truely sorry to hear man, my deepest condolences. don't be so down man have faith and everything will work out ur mom needs all the support she can get right now, u'll be surprised how much positive energy will help someone over come something like this. have faith bro and all will be well...



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my mother was diagnosted when i was in iraq this past deployment, i remember that day like it was yesterday..... a few weeks later she went under the knife. as of right now there are no signs of it returning, but she goes in periodicly to make sure everything stays that way. try not to think about it, it has been beaten many times before, stay strong!

Edited by dAt_nEw_gUy (see edit history)
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I am so sorry Scott. This is a very hard thing. My Grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. she lost the breast and had to go thorough all the treatments. Be strong and be her rock cause she is going to need you brother. I know i can speak for the majority of us we are here for you and if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. we are your extended family. good luck and you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers...... Justin

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Sorry to hear that, but at least its Breast Cancer and not some other kinds. Usually breast cancer is treatable so there is some good news after all. I know lots of peopl who have beaten breast cancer, so i hope it works out foe her and your family.


Some other sad news in my family, I just found out that yesterday that my Grandma (who beat breast cancer 15 years ago) has multiple myeloma which is a bone marrow cancer and its not treatable. THe doctors gave her 3 to 4 years with treatment. With a bone marrow transplant they would give her 10 years but she is to old to be a candidate for bone marrow transplant :(

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