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Cant Remember The Last Time I Got This Mad!

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:sigh: ughhh


seriously, look at the people who have previously responded to this thread and read their comments. not everyone supports the president (me included, even though i am a democrat), but they signed on to do a job regardless of who sits in the oval office. what military will we have if every soldier/officer said no? then where would your "imagination" take you? f-22's are useless without pilots.


Do we have to take orders from a Kenyan? This is what this case is about.


you are a ****ing retard!!!




So as Soldiers, do we do background checks on all of our leaders? It should not matter if it is our Platoon Leader, Company/Battalion/Brigade/Division Commanders. They have been appointed as our leaders and we follow their orders or we pay the consequences. I am not saying we follow blindly, if there is something wrong we should work the PROPER channels to fix it, not turn to cowardice and desertion. IMO very harsh ramifications should follow all those who take the course of action that this Major took. If a Private had tried this he would have been hung out to dry, and I think this should apply to ANYONE no matter the rank from Private to General. Just my opinion.



Edited by WODY™ (see edit history)
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i respect my fellow man! ok,apperantly some dont !


example scenerio, tell me what you would think and would do, although i already know the awnser


obama achieves cutting our nuclear weapons by mass quantity as he wants, russia desides to invade georgia again seing that obama is a 'tree hugging im sorry for everithyng' man , and this time for good, obama says harsh words and does nothing, iran obtains the bomb an israel attacks, fails to enable all the nukes they may or may not have and get nuked themselvs, obama does nothing again and only says harsh words, north korea sees this and invades south korea and threatens to use its nuclear stock pile against japan and south korea, obama finally grows some balls to little to late, and declares war against north korea, russia and iran all that the same time, throws our troops in unnesesary world war, why, cuz he cant take the pressure by everyone asking him why he allowed all the BS


i now you guys would proudly stand up, get your m-16, and go get some, as would i, but woulnt this thought be in the back of your head ' why did obama allow this to get this far?' id be in the back of my head.


yes i have a very wild and disturbing imagination, but thats just the way i believe and think, and no one can chage that.


why is he supporting the outsted honduras president ( im half honduran btw)a president who supports chaves, why did he pass up the opputunity to do something in iran.a Anti-american goverment vent on destroying us.whywhywhywhywhwy???



im just afraid this guy is going in to a major conflict that could be avoided



and if you think russia is cutting military its military budget, think again




i know we will win, but at what cost to our troops and fellow americans?



Somebody believes everything they hear on the news! :(

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I am currently an officer in the Army, I have spent three years of my life in Iraq, and I did not vote for our current commander in chief, and I have some VERY STRONG opinions on what is going on in this country. I figure I have the right to an opinion on this topic.

I took an oath of office "...and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice." Nowhere in this oath does it say anything about if I agree with who was appointed as the president or that I am to second guess how our president is elected.

Every time someone (notice I did not give the respect of acknowledging him as a Soldier) dodges a deployment that means that someone like me has to go back yet again. I do not enjoy deployments and each one takes its toll, however, I will continue to follow the orders of those appointed over me and at least I know that when I am over there the Soldiers under me will be taken care of to the best of my ability, and not under the care of some jackass who would rather expend the time/money/effort to dodge HIS OBLIGATION. There are officers out there that still believe in FOLLOW ME, not Do as I say not as I do.

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this thread was not formed to bash eachother on ones opinions, it was designed more or less to see how everyone felt about my findings. if you are currently bashing on someone elses posts please stop, we are a community here which i consider my family outside of my family :) thanks for everyones opinions on the situation...... if yall chill outside this thread/forum, then thats cool, bash eachother all day long, just dont take it personal :) <------ only acception to bashing....

Edited by dAt_nEw_gUy (see edit history)
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I am currently an officer in the Army, I have spent three years of my life in Iraq, and I did not vote for our current commander in chief, and I have some VERY STRONG opinions on what is going on in this country. I figure I have the right to an opinion on this topic.

I took an oath of office "...and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice." Nowhere in this oath does it say anything about if I agree with who was appointed as the president or that I am to second guess how our president is elected.

Every time someone (notice I did not give the respect of acknowledging him as a Soldier) dodges a deployment that means that someone like me has to go back yet again. I do not enjoy deployments and each one takes its toll, however, I will continue to follow the orders of those appointed over me and at least I know that when I am over there the Soldiers under me will be taken care of to the best of my ability, and not under the care of some jackass who would rather expend the time/money/effort to dodge HIS OBLIGATION. There are officers out there that still believe in FOLLOW ME, not Do as I say not as I do.




from a soon to be senior Nco well put Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


its officer like this d-bag that give all the good ones a bad rep. stand strong sir and do right by your soldiers i promise you they will take care of you. I hold my officers i high standing due to the fact they put our need before there own. I truly respect that and i am willing to a bullet any day for any of them. I love my country and I TRULY LOVE MY FREEDOM. reguardless of my thoughts or beliefs i have a job to do and soldiers to lead and protect. I would post up the NCO creed but no need for that. thanks

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i have not read the article, site locked up my PC.. :banghead: but i can understand from the posts, that a Maj. refuses deployment? this issue was raised during Desert Shield also. personal from reserves refusing orders to deploy for training, then deployment. they were going over the hill by the bus loads. i have worked a better part of 29 years at the National Training Center Fort Irwin Ca. we had 9 charter buses stolen one night from post. when found they were loaded with reservist refusing to stay and be deployed. over 350 personal, and NOT A DAMN THING HAPPENED TO THEM the army just sent them home...IMO, nothing will happen to this Maj.


I'm old school Army, my a@@ was drafted.(73-75 Nam 75-79 THAiland/ Cambodian border and other s**t holes in South East Asia) and if anyone refused to be shipped out, your new mailing address would be Leavenworth, when finished at the iron bar inn, you received a BCD bad conduct discharged and sent packing. i under stand it is a voluntary military now, and a softer, and gentler army, but DAMN how soft do they need to be. he needs to be taken out back and :M16::rant:

i see a lot of fine troops at work every day, and it sucks that a OFFICER would disgrace these fine people ..my rant is over now but it still burnes my a@@:rant:



Edited by desrtrat (see edit history)
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So as Soldiers, do we do background checks on all of our leaders? It should not matter if it is our Platoon Leader, Company/Battalion/Brigade/Division Commanders. They have been appointed as our leaders and we follow their orders or we pay the consequences. I am not saying we follow blindly, if there is something wrong we should work the PROPER channels to fix it, not turn to cowardice and desertion. IMO very harsh ramifications should follow all those who take the course of action that this Major took. If a Private had tried this he would have been hung out to dry, and I think this should apply to ANYONE no matter the rank from Private to General. Just my opinion.

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