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Sleep Apnea


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I was just curious to know if anyone on here has this or has been told they do have it and how treatment goes. Also, what made you think there was a problem to go see a doctor in the first place, like symptoms?

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Usually you wake up gasping for air, or feel out of breath when you wake up. My grandmother has it. She uses a CPAP machine everynight (just a machine with a mask over your mouth to feed you air) in case you stop breathing while asleep. No big deal, it's a lot more common than people think. Yes, definitely see a doc for the proper prescription or machine.

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i have it, it sucks, symptoms are a wide variety, including constant fatigue, which i had, depression, snoring, weight gain, etc, etc. sleep apnea is no joke. i used to fall asleep at work, even while driving. my wife used to wake me up at night because i would stop breathing. i had a "sleep study" done, and the results were alarming. i quit breathing over 130 times an hour. no oxygen to the brain = no rest (or worse). it was like not sleeping at all. people DIE from this all of the time. i implore you to get checked out if you have any inkling that you might have this problem. i sleep with a CPAP machine now. it was hard to get used to but now i cannot sleep without it. i definitely feel more rested. consequently, it is quieter for my wife to rest well and she doesnt worry about me anymore.

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I've been told I've got this by my ex back when we were married. Most time I would wake up after getting 8 hours or so of sleep and still feel tired. It seems to happen when I lay on my back when sleeping. I've never went to a doctor or anything. I have read about it on the web and researched it a little.

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i have it, it sucks, symptoms are a wide variety, including constant fatigue, which i had, depression, snoring, weight gain, etc, etc. sleep apnea is no joke. i used to fall asleep at work, even while driving. my wife used to wake me up at night because i would stop breathing. i had a "sleep study" done, and the results were alarming. i quit breathing over 130 times an hour. no oxygen to the brain = no rest (or worse). it was like not sleeping at all. people DIE from this all of the time. i implore you to get checked out if you have any inkling that you might have this problem. i sleep with a CPAP machine now. it was hard to get used to but now i cannot sleep without it. i definitely feel more rested. consequently, it is quieter for my wife to rest well and she doesnt worry about me anymore.



exactly what my soldier "claims" he has, he also montioned rem (rapid eye movement)... stated that the doctor "told him" that it takes him 3-4 hours to hit rem vs the normal person taking 10-20 minutes to get into..... so while getting 6-8hrs of sleep his body was actually getting 2-4 hrs... i told him that maybe if he didnt sleep while he was at work, he woulnt be up all night playing video games.. i thought it was an excuse! but it is as real as it can be... sux though cause he is a really hard woeking soldier, but from anyone above me.... they thought he was the biggest pos with the most potential, basicly though he was full of it and didnt realize what he could be.

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i have it, it sucks, symptoms are a wide variety, including constant fatigue, which i had, depression, snoring, weight gain, etc, etc. sleep apnea is no joke. i used to fall asleep at work, even while driving. my wife used to wake me up at night because i would stop breathing. i had a "sleep study" done, and the results were alarming. i quit breathing over 130 times an hour. no oxygen to the brain = no rest (or worse). it was like not sleeping at all. people DIE from this all of the time. i implore you to get checked out if you have any inkling that you might have this problem. i sleep with a CPAP machine now. it was hard to get used to but now i cannot sleep without it. i definitely feel more rested. consequently, it is quieter for my wife to rest well and she doesnt worry about me anymore.


Same thind with my buddy's wife(for the most part).

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I never woke up during the night feeling like I can't breath or anything, my problem is that I'm tired all the time. No matter how many hours of sleep I get during the night, I always wake up feeling like I never got any sleep and feel really tired and weak through out the entire day. I am also having problems at work where I keep forgetting things that I normally would know and I can not stay awake while sitting at my desk. I also feel like I wanna fall asleep while driving to and from work, especially while sitting in rush hour traffic when I'm just sitting and not moving. Lately the tiredness has been getting much worse to the point that I feel like I can't do anything at all cause I just have no energy to do things, which is killing my summer. I have tried going to bed and waking up at the same time on my work and off days and have tried adjusting my eating and making sure I do not have caffeine past the middle of the afternoon. I never really heard anything about sleep apnea till recently and I am now starting to think this could be my problem. I am not sure about others, but when I am very tired, I'm in a cranky mood and since this is how I feel all the time, I'm finding myself lashing out on others. I've been having this problem for a few years now and any time I have gone to my doctor, he just tells me to not drink any caffeine (which all I drink is one cup of tea in the morning) and to make sure I get 8hrs of sleep every night and thats it.

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If it helps any, and if your a smoker, quit. I smoked since I was 13 and I am now 22. I quit 3 months ago, HUGE improvement in my daily life. WAY more energy. Also, don't look beyond depression either bro, always tired is a symptom of depression.

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"cwest94", I would also think about a partial artery blockage too. Having a blockage can REALLY reduce you energy levels. Do you have any history in your family of heart problems? Have you ever had a stress test done on your heart? Might be another think to call your doc about.


I'd also wonder if you couldn't video tape yourself sleeping at night. Then watch it one weekend and see have you "act" in bed while sleeping (or trying too). That might help you decide if you have this sleep apnea condition?


Be safe man & I hope you figure it out.



Edited by Bad Bowtie (see edit history)
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