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Will Be The First Time At The Drags


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In October at the gtg will be the first time at the drags ever I was just wondering what to expect. What do you guys think my times will be by that time I will be running 12 psi with meth injection just wondering? any tips would be appreciated. Do I need a drive shaft loop?

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you'll probably need a snell approved helmet just to let you know... it will be fun , im guessing you will run 12.6 if your running 12lbs of boost with all your mods... let me know how you like the 12lb pulley very interested in doing that my self!! im curious how many lbs of boost are you building with your 3000 stall on a brake stall with the 8-9lb pulley on?

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Yep I have a helmet. Ill have to see I havent gunned it yet off the line all I get are these races on the highway never off the line so I cant wait to see. I want and hoping to run 12.4 or lower not sure though I will be spraying the meth at 8psi im also putting alittle nitro into the mix of methane. I will also be pinning my crank and putting a new gator back belt on so hopefully this will elim. any slippage of the belt and I wheatley is doing a cable tune so we can get her really dialed in. Did some weight reduction to took off hitch assemble spare tire back seat and will be taking off tailgate. So im hoping to pull low 12's do you think that is to far fetched? trying to get my friend with his SRT10 truck to come down and race he went there a couple weeks ago and ran 13.8 pretty conservative I think he has a intake and bigger throttle body.

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With a 3000 stall he shouldn't need to brake boost it. An off idle flash should net him a 1.6 range 60' time if everything is tuned in correct and the tires hook. When Stiff1 was running 11psi and only a 2600 stall his truck would 60' in the 1.7's spinning off the line (yes it was an AWD SSS) leaving from idle and he had less mods. The trick is all in the timing table to making it launch. As long as he's at a lower altitude (under 1000') a pass on 12psi with those mods should be good for very close to 11's or even an 11.9. Tuning is going to be the key, but it should run the number no problem as long as it is tuned right.

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In October at the gtg will be the first time at the drags ever I was just wondering what to expect. What do you guys think my times will be by that time I will be running 12 psi with meth injection just wondering? any tips would be appreciated. Do I need a drive shaft loop?



it seems that every track has its own safety standards even though they are supposed to follow the rules of the IHRA or NHRA. Last time i was at the track he didn't even tech me....just gave me a number and sent me on my way. I mean how fast can a newer truck be right :jester: . 12.99 requires a helmet with a new certification, don't remember what it is, however i have been to a track that required a helmet for everyone so the best you can do is call ahead and ask wht they want. At my track they also require long pants, a sleeved shirt(no larry the cable guy shirts) and tennis shoes at least, but they rather see work boots. 11.99 used to be roll bar, 5 point harness and drive shaft loop but that changed to 11.49 up here.


otherwise, shallow stage, you want to just light up the last stage light. don't deep stage unless bracket racing. I woud launch of idle unless you spin the tires, then loading it up may help to not spin the tires by causing your stall to stay a couple hundred rpm lower. DRIVE AROUND the burn out box unless: they make you drive through it, or your spinning the tires and they don't mind if you do an AWD burn out across the starting line, my track will kick me out. Most of all have fun, enjoy the rush, and have someone take pictures.


With a 3000 stall he shouldn't need to brake boost it. An off idle flash should net him a 1.6 range 60' time if everything is tuned in correct and the tires hook. When Stiff1 was running 11psi and only a 2600 stall his truck would 60' in the 1.7's spinning off the line (yes it was an AWD SSS) leaving from idle and he had less mods. The trick is all in the timing table to making it launch. As long as he's at a lower altitude (under 1000') a pass on 12psi with those mods should be good for very close to 11's or even an 11.9. Tuning is going to be the key, but it should run the number no problem as long as it is tuned right.


short hijack...

i remember racing him at route 66, and to this day i can see picture his launch next to me.....i've never seen a truck launch like that. It looked the front end was going pull up.

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I should be at this G2G and can't wait to see your truck! I raced there 2 years ago or so and just popped my hood, they shook the battery and I moved on. I ran a conservative tune and did a 12.3 (didn't feel like breaking something so far from home). They never blinked an eye...you should be fine unless you plan on doing an 11.49.


Its a nice track, you can drive around the water box and we have our own section to hang out with PLENTY of space. Not sure of the elevation however when I ran 2 years ago it was a bit warm out...in the low 80's if I remember right. Use this time to experiment with launch techniques and TALK to all of the other SSS guys there and see what works best for them. Bottom line, have fun! :cheers:

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Thanks guys I cant wait to meet everyone. Yeah at 8psi right now if im at 10mph and start to crack her open they start to spin. My friend is going to put my truck on his car trailer and tow it up im doing this just in case I brake anything I dont want to be stuck. Im going to be running on my stock 20's with stock tires right now my tune dead on thanks to wheatley awesome tuner. Krambo your truck is sick I cant wait to see you run. Oh and my friend gave me this new helmet he just got, but it was to big for him its a Soel I think and it is dot and snell approved.

Edited by RedSSCT (see edit history)
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... Im going to be running on my stock 20's with stock tires right now ...

That's gonna kill you right there, the factory goodyears are dangerous, you won't have any traction on those tires at all so getting a controlled launch will be the challenge for you.


Your truck sounds f'n awesome, I am sure once you dial in everything in your truck will perform very well, I would guess it has the capability of a high-11 second pass in it, Zippy is right the tuning will be the key.


Mr. P. :)

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You will be fine, anything under a 13.5 ET will require a Snell 2005 approved helmet, slower then that, you don't even need one! Tech is easy, they make sure your battery is secure and that your lug nuts are tight, thats really all....I have been to other tracks that are more strict. Besides, there will be plenty of helping hands god forbid you have a problem with your truck.

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Thanks guys for the tips. Mr.P I was thinking to deflate my tires a bit you think 21 psi would be good? Also yeah my I love my truck, but I have the mod bug everytime I do something I say ok this is it then I see something I like and buy it lol I cant stop its never feels fast enough for me I'm crazy though.

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Thanks guys for the tips. Mr.P I was thinking to deflate my tires a bit you think 21 psi would be good? Also yeah my I love my truck, but I have the mod bug everytime I do something I say ok this is it then I see something I like and buy it lol I cant stop its never feels fast enough for me I'm crazy though.

I am going by memory, I think it was reported that at 20-lbs the beads on the Goodyears would start to become unreliable and you might have the tire deflate entirely on you.


Mr. P.

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