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Settin A Goal For Myself


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Well I'm 23 and overwieght. For those of you who have seen me you know what I'm talking about. I'm not huge but I do need to lose weight. I made the decisiion this week to quit eating fast food, quit drinking regular pop (Still drink just 1 deit mt dew a day), and try to go to the gym 3 times a week. I do have a goal in mind by christmas but I dont want to say what just yet. My regular week consists of drinking 2 nights a week just a few beers, eating fast food almost every weekday, and drinking x mt dews a day. I just wanna share and hopefully by sharing I will stick to my plan. My plan now consists of a slimfast in morning(never used to eat breakfast), eating a healthy choice for lunch, and snack in between lunch and dinner (bag of sunchips) and then a healthy choice for dinner. What it pretty much comes down to is I'm tired of being big and want to lose wieght so next year I can pursue my goals of either joining a police force or joining the air force. So if you guys have any other helpful advise for me please share and wish me luck on my new self.


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It's good to be around people who will support you. That will help big. You just have to stick with it man. Other things that will help would be reducing stress and getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. If you want to lose it quicker, when you first get up in the morning before you eat, do between 15-30 minutes of cardio (like jogging or biking) depending on your fitness level now. Also, when you eat, it is about portion control. Eating small multiple meals definitely helps. And it's ok to treat yourself to a burger or slice of pizza every once in a while. If it is what you crave, go for it moderately. It saves you from eating more of other bs. I would try to work out 3-4 times a week with breaks in between. You need at least 48hrs before you work out the same muscle groups again for the best results, but try to do the cardio at least 5 times. Hope this helps.

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gl with your goal...i quit smoking this past year and probably gained another 20 lbs to an already not small frame so i can really sympathize with you.


for me, keys have always been excersize, eating smaller meals (5-6 small meals a day), no meals after 6:00 pm, drink lots of water, no booze and in a few months you'll be feeling like a new man.

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Congradulations on choosing a healthier lifestyle. I made that decision a year ago and I have lost 20 pounds by just eating healthy.


Do your body a favor and avoid processed foods such as healthy choice meals and slimfast. IMO, that is not a healthy diet. Stick with un-processed whole foods. If you are not familiar with cooking, pic up some healthy eating cookbooks. Trust me, you will feel much better.


Good luck man

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it takes time to drop weight so don't expect to drop 10 lbs a day. If you want to lose weight you have to adjust what you eat and how much you exercise. I dropped about 20 lbs after my divorce and I've kept it off by playing a lot of basketball. I'm a fast guy so I love to run the courts at least 2 times a week. I play for 2 hours or more. I've just started lifting again for the first time in almost a year so I've put on a few pounds but nothing major. I try not to eat too bad. If you must snack, try to snack on fruits like apples, grapes or bananas instead of chips. Fruits better than any chips and you're going to be getting stuff you need. You need to stay away from pop/soda. My buddy drinks a ton of mt. dew and this has killed him. He use to be my weight and now he's about 40 lbs. heavier than me. he also eats out a lot. That's a no-no if you want to lose weight. It's alright to eat out a little but you have to exercise to burn off those calories. Weight control is just a balance of diet and exercise.

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First thing, get rid of the boxed meals and slim fast. I seriously feel bad for people trying to lose weight and rely on magizine and ads for support.


Best thing I can tell you is get enough sleep, when you wake up first thing drink water...no exception. Make time for breakfast. Something like omlets with any lean meat and lots of veggies, eggs (hardboiled best, ditch the yoke.) See thats the part no one tells you, losing weight is mainly proper preperation. Even Sunday night hard boil a few dozen eggs for the week ahead. Sunday afternoon go grocery shopping. Buy things like a rotisserie chicken. Eat 6-8 oz for dinner then save the rest and make for meals though out the week. Stick to the outside of the grocery store, the inside isles are where you will get into trouble. Lean meat, veggies, and fruit!!! No boxed meals. If you plan correct it will take the same amount of time to cook/ warm up dinner as a boxed lean cusine.


Buy a protein supplement. Try Beverly Inernational. All their supplements are no joke and promise you nothing that they will not back up. Eat more small well balanced meals throughtout the day. PM me if you need help setting up a workout plan or nutrition guide.

Edited by W2W402 (see edit history)
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good luck on your goals. As a boot camp instructor I can tell you working out and eating right will be the biggest part. I can tell you if you have it in your mind then it will happen. but the Air Force can I change your mind to the Navy? ( I have nothing against the AF) All branches have its benny's butbest of luck and any questions about a work out schedule pm me.

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awesome...what worked for me was ounting calories..I allowed myself 2000 a day...I'm not a healthy eater but doing it this way allows me to still eat what i want but just alot smaller portions...I went to the gym 5 times a week...I lost about 30 lbs. rather easy this way.

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congratulations on a healthy lifestyle change :thumbs:


everybody has offered some quality points, so here is my two cents.


as a long time football player, i have learned that being in top physical shape and being in better shape than your opponent often translates to wins. as others have mentioned, muscles are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. changing your eating habits will help tremendously in your goals. obviously stay away from fast food and cokes. snacking is not necessarily a bad thing as long as you choose healthy snacks like fruits. stay away from the chips here. i know some people aren't big breakfast fans, but breakfast is one of, if not the most important meal in your day. you need something to get you going and to give you energy until lunchtime. eat a hearty breakfast; this may actually curve your hunger throughout the day. try not to skip meals or eat excessively large meals.


just as important of what you put into your body is what you do with your body. weight is not just going to fall off of you. hitting the weights and doing some type of cardio will not only aid in your weight loss but will also physically make you feel better. going into the gym with a workout plan and establishing goals at periodic intervals will help you achieve your goals. don't just limit yourself to upper body exercises as some people with; working the whole body with different muscle groups each workout will give muscles adequate time to rest and recuperate. one thing that will really help is to write out a workout plan for a specific amount of time. whenever you have something written down, it will be easier to keep up with what you are doing. besides, if you go in there without a written plan, you will eventually end up cheating yourself out of sets when you get tired. i never really liked doing cardio, but it is a very component in working out, especially when losing weight is a goal. obviously running is a good cardio exercise, but i really hate running with a passion. i usually opt for swimming at the community center. swimming is a great cardio exercise and provides a full body workout. if you swim hard you will definitely feel it the next morning. another alternative to running that i like is cycling. i think riding a bike is relaxing and fun and can be just as effective as running.


as far as supplements go, be cautious with what you select to go with (if you decide to take anything at all...) because supplement companies will all say their product is the best. some supplements i would recommend would be n.o. xplode (pre-workout) and wheybolic extreme 60 (post-workout). n.o. xplode gives you energy to help boost through a workout, and the wheybolic extreme is a protein supplement with 60 grams of protein to 1 gram of fat per serving. research products before you buy and check out reviews online on forums. supplements are indeed supplements, not replacements for eating correctly. pre and post workout food/supplement intake is critical. having your body prepared for a workout is just as important as refueling your body after a workout. eat some kind of food (maybe a healthy snack) around an hour before your workout so you will have energy for a beast workout. during your workout, you train your muscles and they naturally break down, so you need to eat a post workout meal in order to help your body recover. try to eat a large meal within an hour after a workout for optimal gain.


planning out your meals and workout plans will lead to a healthier life and weight loss. in simplest terms, burn more calories than you take in.


sorry for the long post, got a little carried away...


good luck :thumbs:

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its hard to stick to a plan but if you want it bad enough you can do i have faith in you. i exercise everyday and i think thats part of the reason i kinda stay healthy.


G/L with every thing and if you need some advice or have any question pls ask me ill give you all the knowledge i know about exercise ect...

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Congrats ! first step is the hardest..


I've experienced weight gain.. It's called marriage :uhoh:



I spent 11 days in ND combining and trucking, drank nothing but ice water, to my suprise I lost 6 lbs just cutting the soda and energy drinks out...



Good luck !

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I think cutting the soda drinks will cut me down quiet a bit. I do have a diet dew with my dinner but thats it. Its water after that. You guys say stay away from slimfast so would I be better eating cereal like special k or something? Im not one for cooking.

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