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National Fire Prevention Month


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October is National Fire Prevention Month, here are some home fire safety tips everyone should know........


-Have your home heating system proffessionally serviced and inspected yearly

-Keep 3 feet of space between space heaters and their surroundings; never place them near drapes, bedding, furniture, people, or pets

-Never leave food cooking on the stove or in the oven unattended

-Smoke detectors should be placed in each bedroom, and one on each level of your home

-Check/test/replace all smoke/carbon monoxide detector batteries twice yearly(daylight savings time, hardwired or wireless)

-Have at least one fire extingusher on each level of your home in the obvious general areas; kitchen, garage, boiler room, etc.

-Check all fire extingushers yearly to ensure they are in good condition...if not, replace them

-Have a meeting spot outside your home in case of a fire and practice fire drills

-Create an escape plan for your family.

-Have your FD's emergency number near each phone.....or call 911

-If your home is on fire and you cannot get to your phone, go to a neighbors house

-Stay low in smoke....crawl

-Always check a closed door for heat with the back of your hand BEFORE opening it

-NEVER go back into a burning building for anything!

-Stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch on fire......do not run, it just fans the flames.

-In addition to cooking, make sure to have a pot lid or baking soda nearby to smother the flames, NEVER throw water on a grease fire!

-Try to avoid the use of extension cords and power strips when you can, especially on large appiances. An overloaded cord can burn your house down!

-Check for frayed or cracked electric cords, they can send sparks that can cause a fire, and can also electrocute you!

-NEVER leave candles unattended, especially around pets or children; and never light candles in the bedroom

-Try to avoid overloading electric outlets with multiple plugs, and overloaded circuit can cause an electrical fire

-Keep all lighters/matches out of the reach of children.

-NEVER smoke in bed or fall asleep with a cigarette; also be careful around flammable surfaces and fabrics.

-Cigarette butts should be doused with water to ensure they are extinguished

-NEVER barbeque indoors :crazy:




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and never light your farts near curtains.....important one...lol


minimum of 20 feet


but seriously, fire safety is common sense for some but not as apparent to others. it's always good to have a refresher course, and pound this information into people's brains.


good lookin out D! :cheers:

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