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What Happens After A Few Too Many...


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So lets hear about some funny / odd / disgusting, whatever things have happened after a few too many!


I'll go first,


Me and a few friends went out drinking a few nights ago and after a few me and one of the guys sat there for forever trying to recite all of the lyrics to the Free Credit Report.com commercials... Everyone else just laughed at us but we got most of them I think!



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one night I had a few to many and tried driving home 17 miles home in my SSS. I made it about less than 5 miles from my home and fell asleep went across the road off a steep bank and in to a farmers field were I ended up getting high centered. Good thing it did would have went down another bank and flipped. in all this I got a flat bent the rim and ripped off a brake duck. I know I got very lucky I didn't hurt or kill any one or my self august 21st was a year and I quit drinking after that and haven't touched it. I did end up getting arrested for a DUI got haled to jail I blew a .05 and .08 is the limit I ended up getting the DUI thrown out and got a $188 inattentive ticket

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Multiple times I have done this.............. "Take one for the team" BIG GIRLS! UGLY GIRLS! ... You know the rest.


Multiple Disorderly Conducts..........




3 underage consumptions.........


Got thrown out of Canada..... LONG story......... Cool escort to the border though.....


Many many more fun and not so fun events in my old drinking days.

BTW I don't drink anymore! 90% of this was before I was 21 too.

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One time i drank so much I went home and blew chunks.


































Chunks is my dog :rolleyes::uhoh:


True story!? :loser::jester:



Streaking God knows how many times, never taken one for the team (nor will I because I have standards even when drunk :jester: ), passed out on the side of a house once.


Most of the time I am the last one standing and drink the most :cheers:


One time i drank so much I went home and blew chunks.


































Chunks is my dog :rolleyes::uhoh:


True story!? :loser::jester:



Streaking God knows how many times, never taken one for the team (nor will I because I have standards even when drunk :jester: ), passed out on the side of a house once.


Most of the time I am the last one standing and drink the most :cheers:

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Last time was May 2009 got so hammered and belligerent, I kicked out my Left passenger window in the SS replacement doesn't sit right on it so when I'm home for good I'm going to order a GM replacement!! i'll never drink like that again!

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Multiple times I have done this.............. "Take one for the team" BIG GIRLS! UGLY GIRLS! ... You know the rest.


I too have suffered from this. BUT, not only was she big and ugly, but she was literally twice my age....I was 20 and she was 40! A trifecta!


Wait for it, it gets better...


She has a daughter that is 3 years older than me, and she looked waaaayyy better. I was that hammered





Another time I thought I was superman and tried diving through some double glass doors, didnt work out so well, they didnt brake and my head hurt like hell the next morning.

Edited by DMF (see edit history)
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I just usually get funny from what my friends tell me and I start yelling at people on the drive home (Im not driving) There is one incident where we pulled up next to a reg cab chevy silverado with SS Badging on it. I wasnt funny anymore after that is what she told me because I was yelling saying he doesnt know what a real SS is and how I would whip his ass and stuff lol. I do remember seeing the truck but I don't remember what all I said. :)

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So It was the summer of 07 hangin with my boys from the barracks. Our usual thing was first thing sat morning hop in the car get excessive amounts of beer. etc... and head to the beach. One weekend everything was going to plan, by 9 we were at the beach semi drunk chilling. We didn't leave till 7 that night when we noticed that all the family's/ hot chicks/everyone else had gone home. So we hop in the car still plastered head back to base, with a DD of course. As we go through the front gate we find a bottle of Bud Light in the car. Were all under age at this moment in time and being schwacked out of our minds decide that this one bottle, IN THE CAR, WHILE WERE DRIVING was some how going to get us caught so my buddies gave it to me to quickly kill and get rid of. I chug the beer then toss it out the window. (Because not tossing it out the window was more noticeable thing to any random cops right....) I was behind the driver and we were in the left lane of the 2 lane road so I ended up just smashing it on the road for the cars behind me to enjoy not thinking. Got back with no troubles and continued drinking because we obviously weren't drunk enough. Woke up still drunk, went back to the beach and drank more. Ont the way back that night went to get a haircut, like a good Marine, and we were all so drunk we couldn't sit straight and ended up getting very bad haircuts. We didn't care though. So as i started to sober up that night for the first time all weekend i realized that sunscreen had not come up once the entire time. I was so badly sunburned that I had to sleep against a painted brick wall to try to stay cool. At work they were so mad at me, They being everyone who out ranked me since i was a FNG, that they attempted to have me NJP'd (Loss of pay, barracks restriction etc for everyone not military savy) for Destruction of Gov't Property. That's one of my more tame stories. O and Beer Goggles are SOOOO much worse when you just get back from a combat zone. I have hit some new lows after deployments :nonod:

Edited by DerickD (see edit history)
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ill bite on this.


me and a fellow sss.com member went to a local bar as allways got to shooting pool ect. we had about 4 or 5 yager bombs and a few pitchers. well he got to talking not paying any attention at all so the only way i could get his attention was i painted his foot blue with the pool chalk after a good part of his foot was blue he finally noticed me telling him it was his shot. good times lol

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