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Ignorance Piss's Me Off

USMC Silverado

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So at work a few days ago i was bitching at my cpl telling him that he keeps running me all over base in my truck to give me everything and do it all at once since my truck doesn't do the best on 5 minute road trips... his response


"well you shouldn't have bought a supercharged truck then"


I tell him it's not it's NA and he decides to ARGUE with me over MY truck that yes it is supercharged and if i knew anything about my truck i'd know it came from the factory supercharged, i tell him he's a fookin' retard but he tells me that i'm wrong that i don't know what i have and that i have a twin screw eaton supercharger... last i checked that is stock.... on a Lighting i believe and for a fact on the SVT Cobras of 04 and up.



later on i took him outside told him to point out my supercharger he points at my alternator so right there i'm like ok so that's the supercharger, a twin screw at that where's the twin screws at? he says it's got twin fins in it like a turbo... i said "oh ok, so where's my alternator" he looked around, looked back at the "supercharger" looked at me and i said "thank you" shut my hood and said "glad we could get this figured out, because i was thinkin' that supercharger was my alternator... thanks buddy" smiled and walked away... :rant:



sorry, i just hate ignorance

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Dude, you crack me up.


yeah, i remember tellin' you about this figured i'd go ahead apost it so everyone else gets the laugh you got out of it.


sometimes ppl just need to keep their mouth shut.


it'd be nice, but they don't..... but hey at least i learned where my supercharger is now... now where the Fook is my damn alternator? :jester:


on a second not i'm watching a commercial for the slap chop with that guy that does teh shamwow commerical and he's crushing nuts then says "see look at my nuts" marine humor i found it funny

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you just have to prove some ppl wrong


sounds like he is one of those fools who is allways right about every thing. plus he is just a e-4 cpl i would have had his ass pushing for being a idiot and for just being plan ole ignorant.


I do that to my soldiers they wanna be like that with me so i tell them prove me wrong if they do ill be the one exercising if not they are going to do push ups till i get tired. well about 99% of the time i am correct lol

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