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It is also revealing to read posts of those who regard sss.com as just a "reference site" of one form or another, versus others that regard it as a family of enthusiasts.


Mr. P. :)


It's one big family with all this bitching going on. The simplest thing to do is for thoes who dont like reading about what someone has done or some video that they have found on utube DONT VEIW THEM. Who cares about post counts and all that sh!t, yeah your always gonna have a few post whores but for the most part they always have helpful advice. Come on guys this is the best site on the web dont fuk it up belly aching over meanlingless sh!t, and we all have a common bond or else we wouldnt even be on here and that is the love of :chevy: POWER.

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Like I said before...I have never seen a forum that did not have off topic discussions....If you don't want to see my blizzard pics etc...then don't f'n click on it...boy that was really hard to figure out.


I feel the same way... No one is making everyone read about their new house or how much snow has fallen. If you don't want to read it then don't read it.

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I feel the same way... No one is making everyone read about their new house or how much snow has fallen. If you don't want to read it then don't read it.



Yeah...some people complaining about it are the ones doing it...Its like complaining about illegal aliens and then knowingly hire one to do your lawn

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I'm not even sure how to respond to this. I said my opinion and the others that disagree at least had respect. I've always tried to contribute to this site as much as i've took from it. If i learned something new, i've tried to pass on that knowledge. I've tried to keep my posts related to my truck or other facts about our motor/or truck. And this is what i get for sharing my opinion after all these years. So after 30 minutes of calming down and trying to figure out how to reply to you and still keep a level head this is what i came up with:


Here are, in order, the topics that you started when you use the search fuction to search for your name. These are only a few, i got bored.


This Or That

Snow Totals

Photo Sharing

Building A House

Pass Time

Deer Season 2009

101 Yr Old Man Buys New Camaro

Drop Please

Bed Time

Random Picture Thread

Jack Russel Terrier

It's Already Here

Dumb Cat Can't Figure Out How To Drink Water

Patrick Swayze Dies At 57


I have learned so much about my silverado ss from your topics....you are the problem i speak of. Its bs topics like this that i can't stand. This site is about our trucks, if your bored and want to pass the time go to another web site, I WANT TO LEARN about my truck.


Go ahead and search my topics, i'm expecting it. And to directly answer your question and address another post, i have no problem if you post about washing your truck and if you found some new product that takes out scratches, provides a show room shine and blows smoke up your ass at the same time. That is stuff guys want to learn about, if your taking pics of your truck to show off some new rims, that is also something guys want to learn about. If you take a picture of your custom painted intake, awesome engine bay, custom air box, custom nitrous set up, and custom painted/carbon panels, that is stuff guys want to learn about, and that has a place on a truck forum. But i'm thinking guys like you that have no respect for the others trying to pass along useful information have no place on this forum. And if guys keep bitching about our mods...they will leave. Where will this site be with out kevin, joe and zippy. Without technical guys behind the forum...it may as well be facebook.


It does not matter how you reply to this, i will not respond. I'm done in this thread, it is just as useless as a thread about patrick swayze on a truck forum. Mods can ban me, erase this post, and remove any evidence i was ever here. I will continue to learn about my truck, the ls series of engines and everything about making them faster.

thats cool i see what your saying..........

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... I've always tried to contribute to this site as much as i've took from it. If i learned something new, i've tried to pass on that knowledge. ... I WANT TO LEARN about my truck. ... But i'm thinking guys like you that have no respect for the others trying to pass along useful information have no place on this forum. ... Where will this site be with out kevin, joe and zippy. Without technical guys behind the forum...it may as well be facebook...


I couldnt agree with shadowsniper more. This site has become a high performance facebook. ...




So that is what this thread has come down to? Whom is going to vote whom else off the island? :(


As a 'veteran forum member' I am going to break it to the both of you - silveradoss.com was NEVER created nor intended to be a definitive technical resource for GM trucks; this venue was never modeled to be a substitute for a professional automotive science education, or a place where you can leech auto shop advice for your pet project. If you both are under the impression that this site exists just to be your pet resource you're wrong, because silveradoss.com STARTED as a 'high performance facebook' seven years ago and it will continue to be that going forward - Zane and Josh made it very plain that this is an enthusiast's site, not a mechanic's site. If you want a 100% technical resource then pay the subscription to alldata and you will suffer less 'aggrivation' and be far better served.


I am very offended that you gents clearly see me as nothing more than your pet technical resource.


I hear you both - you two aren't getting what you want out of the membership of this site anymore, you both said so in writing. If this site is just a waste of your time, well you are free to come and go as Josh and Zane please.


Jason you let me know when you are going to be here Sunday, I want you to have your battery back.


Mr. P.

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)
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I'm not even sure how to respond to this. I said my opinion and the others that disagree at least had respect. I've always tried to contribute to this site as much as i've took from it. If i learned something new, i've tried to pass on that knowledge. I've tried to keep my posts related to my truck or other facts about our motor/or truck. And this is what i get for sharing my opinion after all these years. So after 30 minutes of calming down and trying to figure out how to reply to you and still keep a level head this is what i came up with:


Here are, in order, the topics that you started when you use the search fuction to search for your name. These are only a few, i got bored.


This Or That

Snow Totals

Photo Sharing

Building A House

Pass Time

Deer Season 2009

101 Yr Old Man Buys New Camaro

Drop Please

Bed Time

Random Picture Thread

Jack Russel Terrier

It's Already Here

Dumb Cat Can't Figure Out How To Drink Water

Patrick Swayze Dies At 57


I have learned so much about my silverado ss from your topics....you are the problem i speak of. Its bs topics like this that i can't stand. This site is about our trucks, if your bored and want to pass the time go to another web site, I WANT TO LEARN about my truck.


Go ahead and search my topics, i'm expecting it. And to directly answer your question and address another post, i have no problem if you post about washing your truck and if you found some new product that takes out scratches, provides a show room shine and blows smoke up your ass at the same time. That is stuff guys want to learn about, if your taking pics of your truck to show off some new rims, that is also something guys want to learn about. If you take a picture of your custom painted intake, awesome engine bay, custom air box, custom nitrous set up, and custom painted/carbon panels, that is stuff guys want to learn about, and that has a place on a truck forum. But i'm thinking guys like you that have no respect for the others trying to pass along useful information have no place on this forum. And if guys keep bitching about our mods...they will leave. Where will this site be with out kevin, joe and zippy. Without technical guys behind the forum...it may as well be facebook.


It does not matter how you reply to this, i will not respond. I'm done in this thread, it is just as useless as a thread about patrick swayze on a truck forum. Mods can ban me, erase this post, and remove any evidence i was ever here. I will continue to learn about my truck, the ls series of engines and everything about making them faster.


Go **** yourself! You're the one who took the time to search my name to see what post I started. IMO, the off topic/general section is a good way to get to know each other. Without it, I think this site would be boring. If you don't like it, dont' ****ing click on it, Because of idots like you, I want to say **** this site, i'm done. If you want to learn about your truck SIMPLY skip the off topic section, press your ****ing scroll bar down to the the general SS section etc..., click the button. Is it that hard???? For you maybe. PM me for instructions. I can make an HOW TO for you. There is ONE section that is all about NON SS related topics and that is all you can focus on? I sincerely apologize :uhoh:


Yeah I may not contribute a whole lot to this site. But for me I am done modding my truck and I am not into blowning a shit load of money on engine components as I have other expenses to pay. To me, the exterior of my truck is my only concern and I think I did a good job. I have also offered plenty of advice on rims, detailing, exterior, etc.... I may not be able to offer advice on what is the best cam or transmission mod but I do my best to contribute this forum.


Cheers homo :cheers:

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