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Ever Been Arrested?


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Has anyone ever gotten tazed? I did twice. Once for curiousity and another for a bet


Tased ... no Z


Yup ... I did ... I volunteered during our Taser Certification. I took the full shot and Rode the Lightening for the full 5 seconds. Truth be told, I highly doubt I’ll “Volunteer” for that again.


Been Tased, OC’d (9 times, plus) and Pepperballed … Tried it all … :thumbs:


I have the video on my phone ... can't figure a way to upload it to here.


Here is my duty Taser ... the X26 - with spare cartridge. We have the 25' - Winter Darts (2" long) ... Also has built-in Laser sight and Flashlight.





Edited by Stitches040 (see edit history)
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Tased ... no Z :D


Yup ... I did ... I volunteered during our Taser Certification. I took the full shot and Rode the Lightening for the full 5 seconds. Truth be told, I highly doubt I’ll “Volunteer” for that again.


Been Tased, OC’d (9 times, plus) and Pepperballed … Tried it all … :thumbs:


I have the video on my phone ... can't figure a way to upload it to here.


Here is my duty Taser ... the X26 - with spare cartridge. We have the 25' - Winter Darts (2" long) ... Also has built-in Laser sight and Flashlight.





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Never been arrested, but as a LEO, I have been tased 3 times, and sprayed once, and I would rather be tased than sprayed anyday!!


You get the full force shot or did you do that "Interlocking Arms" thing??? or did they use the aligator clips on you clothing???


I truly will take OC any day over the Taser ...

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never in the u.s. . plan to keep it that way.


did some time in tijuana jail for fighting. i was held for an hour since my hands werent busted and my two friends were. we got in a fight in line crossing the border. a bunch of little mexicans from the sidelines selling stuff rushed my friends and i went out and starting busting heads with a skateboard. this was on the way home from rosarito for out highschool graduation party. they ended up staying for 3 days . almost got shipped to prison but got bailed out for something crazy like 5-6k.


scariest part was when they released me with all of our stuff in down town t.j. . ran to a cab and said get me to the border NOW!!!

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x5.. one time was for domestic violence.. i didn't know that goin ape shxt and tearin ya own things up could get you locked up.. i found out the hard way.. another time i was profiled (YEA THAT HAPPENS).. faggot a$$ laws completely lied in their police statement.. long story short i lost about 8k, a glock 21, a .357 mag (sweet tool) and caught 3 trumped up charges.. johnny law gets no love from me.. i get heated every time i think about it :mad:

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Close like most of the people...had a 06 Taurus SEL and was driving from el paso to Houston on leave was around junction tx and got popped for going 95 in a 65. Thought I would have been going to jail but the cop just gave me a ticket. Hen when I was in school got popped 3 times in one day once for speedind in my old f150 and at the same time no seat belt, then 2 hours later again no seat belt. I was a dumb ass teen

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Yep I got arrested for a DWI and an inattentive driving in the SSS but when I got to the court house I blew a .05 the cop was pissed and swearing like a sailer throwing papers all over the place because he had to let me go and could not give me a DUI. The worst part was I walked up to the cop car my SSS was stuck in a farmers field. Very long night had to call parents to come get me got a $188 inattentive driving ticket and a $145 tow ticket. I got home at about 6am and had to be to work at 8am

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