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Well guys when the poop hits the fan it hits it hard. went back to the doc about my foot and when i get there my doc comes in says my foot is looking good but it is time to do the other toe and to beat all he pulled my toe nail out on the toe he wants to work on next so I am laid up cant walk missing a toenail hurting like hell and they gave me no pain meds either so i am sucking right now. so after i come back from home in the next 2 weeks i get to look forward to having surgery again.


sorry to rant yall just having a very bad couple days here. thanks for listening and being such good friends



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thanks guys you all and my wife are my strong points like i said if it wasnt for you all and my beautiful most awesomest wife ever lol :jester: i would be in a gutter some where

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Damn Justin, just keep your head up. I also found out I need neck surgery today and mortality rate is high :uhoh: . Life is a pendulum, you just happen to be on the side of bad ish right now, it will swing back to great times for you soon. Hang in their. I dont think your dr. would appreciate self medication, thats just my .02, just listen to him and you will be taken care of.

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