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New Cell Phone Law


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I agree that most people don't have the ability to do two things at once like that. Most that can't talk on the cell phone and drive are just bad drivers whether they are on the phone or not. They phone just doesn't help. Now texting while driving should never be allowed. Out here in Vegas it almost looks like it's required that you do it if you just drove around and didn't know any better. Hands free will soon be a national thing I think.

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NC has had the texting law out for close to a year or better, we also ban all cell phone use by anyone under 18 unless it is *911 or their parents. I had a kid tell me after he totaled a focus that I couldn't check his phone...I explained the law to him, needless to say guess what he was doing?? TEXTING.


we actually have a driving simulation course much like the fatal vision goggles....and no shiiiiaaaaaaat, impaired drivers don't hit as many cones. However, I haven't seen a texter flip the golf carts either, lol.

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If you are aware enough to see the police and not get caught then you probably have the ability to talk on the phone/ Change a song, and if you are unaware to not know what is around you then no you shouldn't, and probably deserve to get a ticket. So I do think the law is good, but it doesn't mean I'm going to follow it.


Its especially funny when I see "soccer Moms" who now use the hands free devices, but now use both their hands to use hand gestures in the conversation the other person can't see!!! then they end up turning lanes into me since their hands are soo busy with their conversation!

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I'm sorry, but I'm all for the law. They are looking to pass this law in PA and it's almost in place and I can't wait. I spend a lot of time in the car and in one day I see about 80% of other drivers talking and texting on the phone and not paying any attention to whats going on around them and it aggravates the hell out of me. I can not tell you how many near misses I've had with people not paying any attention because they were to busy being involved with their phone conversation instead of road conditions around them.


Put my vote down for a YES to the new law!

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honestly im not against it cause there are so many bad drivers that get distracted too easily but just texting?? that makes NO SENSE WHAT SO EVER when i see more people not being able to pay attention while TALKING. if they have this law they should make talking illegal as well cause it is just as distracting as texting.

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I was sitting at a stop light about 6 months ago when the car to my right started rolling. the person was texting and didn't realize that her car was rolling forward, she then hit the car right infront of her... it was a slow hit but it could of had been avoidable.

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:withstupid: Mother fukers going 15mph cuz they are on the phone or texting......



hell yeah , i wanna murder people somtimes , thats the ONLY thing i miss about cali is the fast driving.


be grateful bobbo it just came into affect, its been a law in cali for like 10 years now.

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... Hands free will soon be a national thing I think.

:withstupid: As new cars begin to come equipped with bluetooth I have to agree, it won't be long before all states put this law on the books, like the seatbelt and open container laws.


AFA people being distracted when they drive, I agree with everyone here, we all see lots of drivers being distracted by lots of things both inside and outside the cab.


Mr. P. :)

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You know what, yesterday as a matter of fact I got a ticket for being on my cell phone... Can you believe that? I know that it is against the law but I wwas trying to explain to the police officer that I am a broke college student.. Instead of having sympathy for me he just looked at me and said.. Ya, broke? Driving an SS? Well I will tell you that I think that it is wrong for a girl to drive a truck like this especially the SS model..lol.. Can you believe that he said that to me??? Then he went on to give my crap about my plate which I personalized to say SS4LYFE. Whatever!!!!.. Sorry I had to vent about that because it is by far the lamest tickets that I have ever gotten in my truck since I have had it.

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Although I completely agree with the fact that banning texting, talking on cell phone, etc makes sense from a common sense standpoint, I'm not convinced the laws actually make a difference. I just read an article (trying to find the link again) that had results from the National whatever they call it Insurance Institute, the ones that determine crash ratings for insurance companies and do all this research for insurance companies to help develop risk models for policies. The article stated they surveyed accidents in states/regions that have similar laws being discussed here and that after a significant amount of time for the law to be in effect, the accident rate had not decreased. Whether thats due to the laws not being enforced (which is a huge possibility, just because the law exists, does not mean law enforcement applies it for various reasons), or people just not caring and doing it anyways, recent studies do show the laws have little affect on reducing the number of traffic accidents. I also think texting is retarded while driving. What the hell did we do 20yrs ago the car with no cell phones (remember those bag phones and ridiculous charges?)?

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Although I completely agree with the fact that banning texting, talking on cell phone, etc makes sense from a common sense standpoint, I'm not convinced the laws actually make a difference. I just read an article (trying to find the link again) that had results from the National whatever they call it Insurance Institute, the ones that determine crash ratings for insurance companies and do all this research for insurance companies to help develop risk models for policies. The article stated they surveyed accidents in states/regions that have similar laws being discussed here and that after a significant amount of time for the law to be in effect, the accident rate had not decreased. Whether thats due to the laws not being enforced (which is a huge possibility, just because the law exists, does not mean law enforcement applies it for various reasons), or people just not caring and doing it anyways, recent studies do show the laws have little affect on reducing the number of traffic accidents. I also think texting is retarded while driving. What the hell did we do 20yrs ago the car with no cell phones (remember those bag phones and ridiculous charges?)?



HAHA, my BMW still has that big as phone, and half of the truck is taken up by the phone system... To bad I cant get service on it, that would be pimp... Not to use while driving but just to show off the technology from the late 80's early 90's

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To bad I cant get service on it, that would be pimp... Not to use while driving but just to show off the technology from the late 80's early 90's


Yeah...analog is a thing of the past, no carriers in the US offer analog anymore if I recall correctly. Would be sweet for a car show or what not...working 80's bag phone in an 80's car.

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