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There seem to be a rediculous amount of wrxs around me here. I've been dying to run one with my truck, and today I got my chance. So I'm on the way home today and this kid in a white wrX with that huge wing on the back and ram air hood pulls up next to me on the highway. He slowed down right next to me so I gunned it. He did the same and we went until we hit a car and then again until I hit governor ughh. I felt like I kept up pretty good. He pulled on me a little at first but I hung right with him. I know he was going hard cuz when the highway ended he pulled a u turn to go back the other way. Anbody else ran a wrx? How did it go?

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I must admitt I own a certian blue and gold w/ pink STI decal's running around these parts! Smoked him BADDDD! From a dig to 100+


a red rx7 had the same fate.


My only two Kills.


freaked out a 600 for a short while.... you should have seen his face, and his eye's the size of pie's!

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i ran one from a dead stop and destroyed him but they can be quick little cars if there the sti.



you've got a really fast truck for your mods, especially with 22" rims.



With my radix and full mods, from a dead stop I was only 1- 1 1/2 trucks ahead untill about 110, then he walked away with ease..


Maybe it was modded to hell ? I know it had that really awesome fart can exhaust, and toddler graphics going on

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Dang, a lot of CT guys here. We have a lot of sti's and must say that alot the modded ones are quick!!! especially down here because we have a really big import tuner shop..... and a couple of kids with parents credit cards...




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