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Vandalism Imo...


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My truck is my DD and yes it gets mud on it occasionally and yes i'm a college student that has to park in a student parking lot. I was headed out to my truck tonight and i happened to notice someone decided to do some explicit artwork on my passenger door in the mud..not just dust..mud..straight up rocks and grit. I went and washed it and you can of course still see it!! :mad::rant: people need to leave other peoples shit alone. I look at this as vandalism and is no different than taking a key to someone's car since it puts scratches in it. I'm going to the security cameras in the morning and find out who did it. What else do i do about this. I'm sick of this BS.


needed to vent

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What else do i do about this. I'm sick of this BS.


needed to vent



yea shit happens, im in college too and thats y i park way the hell away from the buildings and have a house. first thing is go to the police station and file a report, that way insurance will cover it. take lots of pics for the insurance company, call insurance company then security cameras if possible.


sorry to hear man. good luck!!! maybe u will get a new paint job for a good price :thumbs:

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Fortunatly when I was in school, my Camaro stood out like a sore thumb and everyone knew it was mine and didnt jack with it. Sucks dude, id definatly take action


Yeah its not a big school and most everyone know its mine. Its just someone being an ****.

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yea shit happens, im in college too and thats y i park way the hell away from the buildings and have a house. first thing is go to the police station and file a report, that way insurance will cover it. take lots of pics for the insurance company, call insurance company then security cameras if possible.


sorry to hear man. good luck!!! maybe u will get a new paint job for a good price :thumbs:



That really sucks!!! Bad feeling to come out and have your prize poss. messed with. Some A$$ gave me a nasty door ding the other day and even rubbed the dirt off just to show me it was dented. :mad:

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sorry to hear that sucks. So far nobody has ever touched my truck. its kinda shocking we have had our house and cars paint balled and egged but never my truck. I dont know what i would do if somebody did something to my truck and i caught them. to some people a vehicle is just a vehicle to them but not for me my truck is my life. hope you catch them and that your truck just repaired.

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A few summers ago when my daily driver was new, someone in the parking lot where I work made a face and teeth on the front hood while my car was really dirty. I was steaming mad cause I knew the clear coat was scratched, so I drove home to wash it and guess what? That face and teeth was SCRATCHED through the clear coat. I was pissed! I had to leave it like that for a few weeks till I could buff it out. I also came out a couple times to find that the mirrors were folded in and once found the mirrors on the SS folded in, which really pissed me off since they are power folding. I am pretty sure it was someone I'm friends with at work, but I still blew my stack and haven't had any problems for a couple years now.

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i know how yall feel, i had mine for a week and never parked by the street for fear something would happen, and the night i did, i woke up to go to the store and found just my left mirror missing. and it wasnt like some kid came and cut the wires for the light, they took the time to unplug it and everything....needless to say i was fuming, but i had another mirror that night. i just hate when people mess with stuff that isnt theirs

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