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Healthcare Bill Passed


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without getting into politics and all the bs, it simply means we have to pay for healthcare whether we want it or not and it is gonna cost us all a shitload more money. and if you don't pay, Uncle Sam will get into your bank accounts and take it and fine you like 750 bucks. they will take it from wages or where aver they can get your money. good news is...it won't start til 2016 and a few states are filing lawsuits for the bill being unconstitutional

Edited by SSplaytoy (see edit history)
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as bad as it has been till now, have fun going to the ER if you need it. we're all f*cked now. how about doing something about the illegals in this country so that the rest of the tax paying CITIZENS can live the life we are entitled. I have no problem with people from other lands coming here, but to come here you must go through the proper channels and allowing these people to congest our hospitals and doctors' offices while our government just rolls over and lays down is a joke.


what's next? let's ban salt in all prepared food. oh wait!!! NEW YORK is (OF ALL PLACES) looking to ban this. Nope, no chefs there to explain why that is important but that is another issue. Yes, this is happening. Look it up.

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i wish most would take that side. :cheers:


I know what you mean. I've argued with people on both sides of the fence about it and I actually read a good portion of the bill. A friend of mine printed out a sh!t ton of pages for me to see it when it was first getting talked about. Not sure if it was the house version or senate version I read, but either way, it's complete bullshit

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how much are we thnking it will cost per tax payer? monthly? yearly? im already paying for social security and medicare that will be gone by the time i could use it. whats next? i might aswell start paying other peoples bills since the goverment assumes i have that much extra money. and to think all of us in the military are defending this?? not sure how i feel about all this. gary

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I know this thread was not started as being "Political" in nature.


I see it is starting to walking the fine line of being so. Some comments are turning it that way. So, before this thread turns for the worst, I will close it now.



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