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Leaving Sss.com For Good.


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ok my orginal reply did not post over my crappy wifi.

but here it is...


ok. see ya.

These trucks are getting older...newer stuff is coming out and its not as cool as it was when the LQ9 was the junk!


I have made alot of good friends from this site and I hope that the newer generation decideds its better to help than to quit...

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I hate to see you go man, but even the comment from Josh upset me a bit too. You have your reasons for leaving and I agree that the site isn't what it used to be and it could be a lot better, but it is what it is. I'll see you around on the other forums man. G/L :cheers:

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ok. see ya.

Thats nice :(


D.J. I can def. see why you are making the choice that you are making. This site is up and down and some people here are def. douche bags and don't contribute anything. You can just ignore those people as I do. Atleast consider checking in from time to time.



Edited by JF-03-SS (see edit history)
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I think life should be re-evaluated when you have to make a speech about leaving a message board. This is all a hobby, don't make it something more than that, like a relationship. Keep it cool with other people and let opinions just be said. Who cares! It's a friggin truck! A metal truck which you enjoy and provides transportation. Not family, country, or other important things you can't replace. We share info, stories, and hopefully helpful advice and opinions.


Perspective... is all I'm sayin.



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Thats nice :(

what kind of attention should I give him? oh please stay we need you? F that, I should ban his ass so when he does come back for help with his truck is held to his word about leaving?


What did Josh say? That there are site rules and that the reason for not allowing certain discussions that get guys panties in a bunch?

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With that said, I will quote a perfectly childish response that is the exact reason we lock these types of threads. JaymzSS consider this your warning.


I get it...but he said his peace, didn't drag it on and just made a little smart ass comment. I just didn't think it was something he really needed to be warned about. He knew it, and it was just an opinion.

Edited by detjoe
formatting :) (see edit history)
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ok my orginal reply did not post over my crappy wifi.

but here it is...


ok. see ya.

These trucks are getting older...newer stuff is coming out and its not as cool as it was when the LQ9 was the junk!


I have made alot of good friends from this site and I hope that the newer generation decideds its better to help than to quit...


I wish your wifi didnt work at all. that is not conduct becoming of a moderator, and if it makes you feel tough you can "ban my ass" if you want to. not my words, but yours. as fast is this site is declining, i wouldnt think you would want more people to leave, especially one that is more respected than yourself.

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the warning was an example of the crap we deal with making this site work...no matter how much we tell you guys to chill...guys are constantly pushing. And its the same guys. The mods have tried alot to keep guys from those topics but when it keeps happening and Josh has to step in a say something I would expect him to be a bit pissed.

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Here is my take on this.......


You formed your opinion and stated what you felt in that thread, subsequently you had your peepee smacked because of your remark. It is time to man up and deal with it IMO. Yes there is alot of BS that goes on here including the fact that we are like the red-headed step child of this family of web forums, but there is abosolutely nothing you can do about it. As my Dad says "It is what it is, make due with what you have." I understand you are unhappy, believe me, I wish somethings were different here too. To just get up and leave it all behind you is a bit drastic. Think of how we all feel. We are all a family here if you think about, and you just running off because you are pissed at some of the staff here is like a slap in the face, like the rest of us(your family) do not even matter. Think about what you are doing, that's all I am saying.


Lastly, to condemn all of the Mods isn't right either. The mods have a very hard job and get stuck in some very difficult positions, but they have a responsibilty to keep the forum in order. They are doing their jobs plain and simple, but it sucks that they have to play Devil's Advocate sometimes. We also tend to forget that they are human just like the rest of us.......

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it seems to me there isnt much to making this site work, the changes promised have not happened, mods even post less and are only "policing" now with a few exceptions. it looks to be on auto-pilot if anyone cares about my opinion. as long as i have been on the site, i have never seen dj get a warning, can we get a list of these "problem people"? i would like to know if i am on it

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I wish your wifi didnt work at all. that is not conduct becoming of a moderator, and if it makes you feel tough you can "ban my ass" if you want to. not my words, but yours. as fast is this site is declining, i wouldnt think you would want more people to leave, especially one that is more respected than yourself.



If you are a man and post 'leaving SSS.com for good', BYE!


A ban would be a reminder of his decision to be a martar and leave the site. enjoy your virgins :)



and guys would rather bitch about Poltics than ANY truck mods. Guys who are building stuff dont come here to post.


More respected than yourself
Please explain? :confused:
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the warning was an example of the crap we deal with making this site work...no matter how much we tell you guys to chill...guys are constantly pushing. And its the same guys. The mods have tried alot to keep guys from those topics but when it keeps happening and Josh has to step in a say something I would expect him to be a bit pissed.


Understandable....but I'm pretty sure if it was in gasoline alley, we still couldn't talk that kind of shit without getting harassed about it. Yea there are other forums for it, but when you have gotten to know people on here and wish to share your thoughts with them on certain subjects in a thread, there should be some kind of leadway to do so without getting punished for it. If a thread goes south, lock it, but if it's a few people sharing the same opinion without argument, I would just let it be, even if it is politics. It's not like our intentions are to offend and piss everybody off.....

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