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Leaving Sss.com For Good.


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Do you even own an SS truck? I would love to see what it looks like if you do. Probably looks just like my Lightning did when I first got it.




First off this is not the attitude I would expect from a mod or someone who cares about keeping a site running. Your comment is just further proof that you really don't give a s**t. Are you 12? Why not try and figure out what the issue is and keep another member? Guess that is too much work?!








You should take a gander at Lightningrodder.com. GREAT SITE!! NO RULES!!! The mods are great and they are on all the time, even the site owners participate...they have conversations with members (NO B**ching!!). TRY IT!!




Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the last SS truck made in 2007 and the first truck was made in 2003? So that would make them between 3 and 7 years old...not 10!! There are many other car/truck sites with vehicles that are much older than the SS.





ITS AN OPINION!!! I didn't see it dividing anything! I did however see a member being criticised for having an opinion and someone else power tripping!

I totally agree with your post regarding detjoe's actions as a mod and I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks he's out of hand. There have been NUMEROUS times were I couldn't believe the things he has said/commented to other members. Definitley not a prominent figure on this site.

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Got to chime in since i was on the receiving end of a slight reaming from all of this. I have very little automotive experience and several on here can attest to that. Does that mean i shouldn't be here? I don't think anyone is saying that. I have learned more since i've been on here than I could've imagined. Do i have anything to add to this site? If i don't know about automotive, then i guess not. I thought i was free to discuss GENERAL topics and was free to contribute in some way besides being a supporting member, but evidently not. I'm not gonna trash the mods because i sure as hell don't want to take their place. But if you want to be a mod, you should probably be a little more constructive in support of a site that lives and dies by it's member numbers.


Everyone knows of a site that is better, not a surprise. I've been surprised by the TBSSOWNERS site and the way it runs. But THAT is not the site i want to frequent the most. This one is. So is it too much to ask for the mods to be a little more lenient when it comes to discussions in a GENERAL forum ?? Topics that get heated or nasty have a way of flaming out eventually. Obviously the admin will do what they may, and that really is fine with me. I'm just asking, is it possible to loosen up a little? Not long ago, someone was talking shit about all of the useless discussions non-SS related and it was heavily defended with replies that people want to talk about whatever it is they want in a general forum. Could it be that all of this really boils down to one thing.....OBAMA ? Really, this shit was shut down fast. But not a couple of posts later there was discussion about a 911 hijacker release with mention of political involvement and it still continues. Please tell me that i'm free to speak my mind about what an **** Obama is without fear of being kicked off of a truck forum??

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thats it im buying a lightning! and getting a cool forum! :jester: lol. where is chris? this is all him lol.


on a side note this went from a farewell to an all out turd of a post. btw i did see a polished turd. it was beautiful, red, shiny, clean but still a turd. dodge ram.


instead of pointing fingers about who killed who. we should just go on and use the site for what it was intended for. these posts get so out of control, and everyone gets worked up. yes there are way better sites. but i love my truck and i have met alot of great people on here and yes i wanted to kick some of their asses but i got over it. in time this will pass.

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thats it im buying a lightning! and getting a cool forum! :jester: lol. where is chris? this is all him lol.


on a side note this went from a farewell to an all out turd of a post. btw i did see a polished turd. it was beautiful, red, shiny, clean but still a turd. dodge ram.


instead of pointing fingers about who killed who. we should just go on and use the site for what it was intended for. these posts get so out of control, and everyone gets worked up. yes there are way better sites. but i love my truck and i have met alot of great people on here and yes i wanted to kick some of their asses but i got over it. in time this will pass.

Chris is probably banned...

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thats it im buying a lightning! and getting a cool forum! :jester: lol. where is chris? this is all him lol.


on a side note this went from a farewell to an all out turd of a post. btw i did see a polished turd. it was beautiful, red, shiny, clean but still a turd. dodge ram.


instead of pointing fingers about who killed who. we should just go on and use the site for what it was intended for. these posts get so out of control, and everyone gets worked up. yes there are way better sites. but i love my truck and i have met alot of great people on here and yes i wanted to kick some of their asses but i got over it. in time this will pass.


I see your point, i really do. I just had a question that could've easily been answered if i had only read the RULES. Never been good at that. But i just didn't like the idea of getting my hand slapped for talking about something that should be free for discussion ANYWHERE you go. SOOOOO, i'll quit bitching. No more religion, politics or fuktard obama. Many probably still have some serious questions about the mods, but as for me, i just want to learn about my SS and meet more guys like the tards i met in Kansas City. :D

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My whole issue is since people want to caption or filter what we can or can't talk about on a forum what happens when we log off? Are you guys just a bunch of unpinionated sheep that can't justify there own track of mind? I guess I must be the guy that makes others cry then?


If I have an opinion about something I will and want to defend it. Weather it is on a forum in a classroom or in the middle of the street. To tell people this a an "automotive only" themed forum is going to quickly subject out all a lot of board people. Sure we all (most have) have SS's but what else. Last time I checked people get on here and talk about their day, they tell stories of their wifes, children, weekend...it is a place to share. If we can't talk race, religion, politics, or ethics with others in fear someone might get their feelings hurt then I fear the worst. Poor little Billy, I say Billy needs a swift kick in the fruit basket and get the minerals flowing.


And what in the hell does "get out of hand" mean. I understand language...no problem. Someone uses vulguar language: fine, but what are you afraid of, Internet cage matches? Smiley faces giving each othe the finger? wife jokes? What?


Personally I like to argue. I like to talk/ argue about things I know about. If your feelings are hurt in the process I really could care less...grow a set and man the F up. I'm tired of everyone in the dam country trying to make everything equal. Unfortuatly it isn't anything like that outside of candyland and Hollywood.


And to say people are passionate about a topic so we "shouldn't" talk about it is completlely bassackwards. If people are passionate about a topic like race or my favorite religion they SHOULD be able to defend and explain their side. If not, we are coming full circle here....sheep!

Edited by W2W402 (see edit history)
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The site has changed over time as have the members. I've posted on general things from gas prices to the birth of my daughter. I've also replied to political post and those kind of post get out of control quick. I understnad why the mods close those threads and when you act like a child you get treated like one. So if you want to act like a 3 year old, prepare to get treated like one. I've probably lost my temper over things, but I get over it. I'm not on here that much anymore but that's because I sold my SS. I never modded a vehicle before so this site was a great help in that aspect. I learned a lot and met a lot of people. I rarely see the old guys who I use to bug with stupid questions. That's part of life. We can't mod these trucks forever. I've had my fun with mine so I've moved on, but I still try to check the site some. I'm not here for the drama. I like to help if I can and post with old friends, so lets get over the "drama" and move on :chevy:

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DAM! I don't swing by for a couple of days...


All I am going to say is every other forum I frequent has/allows free speech in controlled areas.


www.clubgp.com Go take a look and spend 10 minutes in their off-topic section.


Even my mountain bike forum I frequent has an "All Politics, All the Time" section. Everyone understands that political comments are made there. People who don't argue politics, go there. The fishing and hunting forum I frequent also has a similar setup.



With that being said, rules are rules, and when in someone elses house, one should know and follow the rules whether you agree with them or not.


I for one, will be hanging around even after my SSS is long gone. I haven't owned a Grand Prix in years and still visit that forum.

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lol i havent been on here is MONTHS!!


i never got to understand everything that go's on here.


everyone so SERIOUS lol you cant make a joke without people being butt hurt.


anywayz impalassforum FTW.


o yea ima alwayz love my Sss and this site.


I LOVE the picture and video section but other than that what else is there to do?

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...hold on I am gonna have my wife login and be an internet thug...

there you go again. You wanted it, you got it, sending you a PM.


Got halfway through and realized that PMs are for pu$$ies. You called me out here, and being a moderator and leading by example this must be the proper channel. I guess what Im really trying to say here is****************edited by josh after speaking with KC***********


ps. "farts stink", what a moron

Edited by Josh (see edit history)
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