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Gm Paysback Loans From Government


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Glad they did but it makes me wonder why they needed the money in the first place. How could they pay it back so quickly, I know things have not picked up that much for them. Read some were that they have received about a 1/4 back from Chrysler and none back from some back, i cant remeber which it was. Go figure.

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from what I understand its all BS and smoke and mirrors....I was told to look at it like this...The gov't allocated ,for the sake of this discussion, 10 billion dollars to help bail GM out....They only needed 4 billion to stop the bleeding..so since they only used 4 of the 10 bilion they are claiming to have payed back 6 billion when in reality they didnt pay back shit..they just didnt use as much as was originally thought...GM didnt do tha well..they may have managed to stop the hemhorring but thats it

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from what I understand its all BS and smoke and mirrors....I was told to look at it like this...The gov't allocated ,for the sake of this discussion, 10 billion dollars to help bail GM out....They only needed 4 billion to stop the bleeding..so since they only used 4 of the 10 bilion they are claiming to have payed back 6 billion when in reality they didnt pay back shit..they just didnt use as much as was originally thought...GM didnt do tha well..they may have managed to stop the hemhorring but thats it


Yeah that makes sense. They just paid off the small loan that kept them afloat. They are still way in debt and are Still GM (government Motors)

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