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My Rims Got Stolen Off My Ss Truck!

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As turbocoop said GM rips you off the wheel itself is almost 1k each then the caps are a couple hundred and the lugs are almost 60 each and dont forget the overpriced tires...only know cause mine were stolen and before i had a chance to think about it mine were replaced with the stockers again....unfortunatly my truck was stolen and recovered about a year after the wheels were stolen and i was able to talk the insurance into aftermarket wheels so if they ever did get stolen again they wouldnt have to replace a 5k set again.

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Time to buy some wheel locks



Waste of money, my dealership showed me how they can take them right off without the key. It was recomended to me that I take mine off and I listened, they said the thieves would most likely proceed onto the interior or stealing the whole truck if they could not get the wheels if they knew what they were doing.

My wheel locks are just laying around.

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If you have filed a police report be sure to let them know that a Wrecker towed your vehicle to your house. Here in Texas some wreckers are actually getting the friends to steal tires. HE knows, as well as you do. That the truck wasn't going anywhere. I want to think we can trust people...but you just cant. I would be interested to see the criminal history on the wrecker. My job as a Crime Intelligence Analyst has my intuition saying he might have had something to do with it. Just my two cents.


Good luck.



i said the samething i know fo sure it was the tow truck driver he told his freinds he had my home andress.Plus he knew my truck was not goin anywhere bc it does not move. yes i filed a police report they r actually lookin into it.


the good news is i just pick out some new 20s and tires i will have them on my truck tomorrow i try to post some pics

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is that your house in the background they got stolen in front of? If so it looks like a nice area from the pics, just shows the crooks are everywhere. Good luck with the ins co.



yes that is my house i live in a nice neigborhood this kind of stuff does not happend everbody was shocked when they saw my truck. crooks r bold I got 3,000 check from ins co i think i had good luck

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Waste of money, my dealership showed me how they can take them right off without the key.


i have a couple of tools here that will remove about 98% of the wheel locks made. all the locks do is slow them down a very little bit, about 30 sec. per tire if that..it S**KS that hard working people can't have anything nice anymore.. :banghead:


good luck



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