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Truck Got Keyed....


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So I let my girl talk me into going to the club with her and some friends tonight, had a pretty decent time. Till it was time to leave and getting into my truck my girlfriend goes "babe...was this big scratch here already?" I instantly was pissed before even walking to the other side to see the damage. The key mark goes all the way down the front fender from the bumper to the door jam and half way down the passenger side front door and to top it all off there is a big fist dent in the front fender as well. Ill have pictures up later but i had to rant a little bit. All i know is whoever did this to my truck better be praying to God that i didnt walk out and witness them destroying my truck. Who the hell does this shit to other peoples property!?!?! rant.gifM16.gif

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yea i dont like parking remotly next to anyone you'll always see my truck at the back of the lot.


but that sucks man. ppl are stupid



that REALLY sucks!


i hate clubs and when me and my girl go places (like the mall or wal mart) in the truck or impala's i park in the LAST spot in the back!

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Man sorry to here about your truck and if u got full coverage the insurance will cover it but honestly a little inside on the way insurance can be is if it isn't "bad" then they'll just fill in the scratch and blend the paint so just some advise bro if you want the truck repainted instead of half ass blend paint.... I would help the scratch out if you know


I know it would be hard to do but it's for the good might as well make the best out of a terrible situation me I always have my strap ready for action not kill just to wound someone in the leg or arm lol!! Same thing happen to me in front of my house they tries to steel truck popped the keyhole F@@kers!! Let's just say they weren't to lucky still got my baby.. But don't worry bro it'll all get taken care of I'm sure

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So I let my girl talk me into going to the club with her and some friends tonight,


I am sorry to hear this, but never let her/anyone talk you into on where you bring your truck! Numerous times on dates I have refused to go to places where my truck's safety is in question wether it be a bad spot in town, near a bar where dumb drunks are, or at a movie theatre. I won't even bring out the truck past dark thursday-sunday now too many idiots out there. I cannot recall the last time where I parked in a lot without an attendant; just toss him a tip and tell him to keep a close eye on the vehicle.

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