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Drunken Challenge?


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Ok Ok....I was at a party, typicall teenage party...well i was with soem freinds and some guy comes up to me and points to his truck out in the street..its an 03 Ford F150 Harley Truck quad cab pos...well he is drunk obviosly and Im just there to chill considering I dont drink...I thought it was funny him running his mouth about his truck, especially to me...then he smarts off and sais hed put 100 dollers on his truck in a race......me, as stupid and stubborn as I am shot back with, pshh 100 why not race for 500 if were gonna do it.....well as I knew he woudl back down from 500, so I agreed on 100....he didnt wanna do it that night cuz he was drunk, so he said he wanted to race tomrow...which is this afternoon....for 100 bucks...from a dead stop.....what do u guys think? Stock SS vs. Stock Supercharged Harley Truck? How off would he have to be for me to run with him?

Jonathon K.

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you might want to get your wallet out. the HD F150 will pretty much walk on an SS unless you get a really good launch. I've been beaten by 2 of em in close races and I beat another guy, but he spun off the line.


Good luck! Maybe he'll still be hung over :jester:


Let us know how it turns out! It is a Ford... It might just breakdown before you race him! :jester:

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i raced one from a start, i posted the results a while ago. that thread ended up being a few pages long with some of the ford :troll: coming in and starting trouble.


off the line he punched it before i did and at the end i was right on his back bumper. the only things i had done then were supercraps, exhaust and k&n filter to replace the stock one.


i think you just lost $100 though.

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Haha damn......i at least thought SS OWNERS would be optimistic! Oh well, itll be fun race....


hows this for optimistic....it's not $500 :D


screw it go buy a tuner, put a CAI and get your exhaust done, all things that can be done in a couple hours :) that should work.

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Optimistic? How about realistic? That's what has been given to you. As much as you have read here, or maybe you didn't, you should have known.


It all depends on the distance. If it's 1/8th or under, you can beat him pretty easy. But once you start getting above that, his s-chgr is going to be coming on very stong and he'll leave you behind. If you don't get him on the start, it's over long before the 1/8th. Your AWD is your only advantage, and it doesn't last long.


What mods have you done? If it's none, then you maybe you should spend your next $100 on adding some power behind your truck.


Either way, hope you beat him and good luck :thumbs:

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Should have raced him while he was drunk :D... well, OK, that would be too dangerous. :rolleyes: Maybe you can get and express Radix install to put things on an equal forced induction footing. Then he would be toast. :thumbs:

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Don't let him scrub the tires. Power brake to 1200 or so (just put your toe on the lower left corner and go full brake -- feather the throttle til the truck starts to lurch a bit), and when you get the "go" sidestep the brake and take the gas to the floor and STAND ON IT :D


Heck, I beat lots of guys that I should've lost to... just by a good launch. Then again, that was with a manual and a tight clutch to their auto...


Ben is right though, you need to be waaaay out front by 1/8 mile mark. Then swerve into his lane :jester:

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Good Luck with the Race. I have never raced a HD but motor trend had lots of articles on both trucks and they are pretty close. Make sure you get a good start off the line and keep the race as short as possible. Your best bet will be if you run a 1/8th since the AW drive will help get you a good start and then he will catch up to you.



Good Luck!




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