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Police Jammer

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anyone have any experience with police jammers? do you have one? is it worth it?


i know the alternative is a regular radar detector but just want some insight on the jammers



IMO they do not work, any of them. They are more a false sense of security than anything. RADAR jammers are only effective some of the time and do not account for many that have LIDAR. Also radar detectors are bogus too. I cannot count the number of people I write tickets to that have a detector or jammer and get all mad asking why their equipment did not work. However if you live in an area where RADAR is heavily used over LIDAR and that RADAR unit is being used stationary in a speed trap, then you might have a shot....a small one.

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Whenever I grab a speeder with a radar detector, I like to ask "it didn't work, did it?"

They usually play dumb "what didn't work....?"

"That thing on your dash"

"oh, noooooooo"


Contrary to what most people thing, were not stupid and know how to use our radar equipment and know how radar detectors works. I personally hide and don't turn the radar on until I see the car. By the time your radar detector alerts, I've already got you. Radar detectors are effective when officers sit on the side of the road and leave their radar on constantly or guys who drive around with it on.


Don't get me wrong though, I have one but haven't had it in my car in over a year now. I would be lying if I said it hadn't saved my butt a few times back when I used to use it.

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only thing I have heard that truly works is a "shifter" takes the lazer light and reflects it into a completely opposite direction rather then back at the police officers gun. Guy at the store says its saved him a few times but who knows, he could've just been trying to sell me on it.

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Whenever I grab a speeder with a radar detector, I like to ask "it didn't work, did it?"

They usually play dumb "what didn't work....?"

"That thing on your dash"

"oh, noooooooo"


Contrary to what most people thing, were not stupid and know how to use our radar equipment and know how radar detectors works. I personally hide and don't turn the radar on until I see the car. By the time your radar detector alerts, I've already got you. Radar detectors are effective when officers sit on the side of the road and leave their radar on constantly or guys who drive around with it on.


Don't get me wrong though, I have one but haven't had it in my car in over a year now. I would be lying if I said it hadn't saved my butt a few times back when I used to use it.



I also ask how much they paid for their Radar unit? Then I tell them they could always return it, to help pay for their citation. (Just be honest, I'll give you the break any day of the week.)


Jammers do not work ... Especially with Instant-On radar or LIDAR.


only thing I have heard that truly works is a "shifter" takes the lazer light and reflects it into a completely opposite direction rather then back at the police officers gun. Guy at the store says its saved him a few times but who knows, he could've just been trying to sell me on it.


Huge Misconception ... LIDAR (Laser) is a beam of light. It can only be "Shifted" if what ever you think can "Shift" the light is directly hit by the Laser. Yes, most officers aim for the front license plate, so people put on some sort of Absorbing/Shifting material over their plate. (I personally know of now substance, commercially availible for the general public that can Absorb lasers). If a reading is not instantly made by the unit, you just move it slightly to a different area of the front of the car. We WILL get back a reading ...

Edited by Stitches040 (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a passport laser shifter in my saleen and it was the sh!t. It would work awesome, and if you clicked it after you got hit by laser it would pause it and the officer wouldnt be able to get a speed reading for a few seconds giving you enough time to slow it down. I had a cop shoot me with the laser once on the side of the highway and when i got to him, he put his hands in the air like "what gives". I just waved and smiled lol. These days I stay close to the speed limit though bc I dont wanna take any more chances to get yet another surcharge on my license lol.

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I was talking about this thread with a coworker and he said his cousin or someone close to him who was an electronic geek developed himself an alarming device that would let him know if police were in the area by the frequency of their mic's / transmitters / radio.


It wouldn't let him know where they were but he knew they were in the area. I don''t know the range of this either, but it made sense that it could possibly work.


What do you all think about that?

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I was talking about this thread with a coworker and he said his cousin or someone close to him who was an electronic geek developed himself an alarming device that would let him know if police were in the area by the frequency of their mic's / transmitters / radio.


It wouldn't let him know where they were but he knew they were in the area. I don''t know the range of this either, but it made sense that it could possibly work.


What do you all think about that?


Anything is possible ... Something like that is truly capable to someone in the Electronics know. Most LE use the bandwidth of 144-174 mhz. Basically, it is only a modified scanner. As we all know scanners pick up the freqencies ... That is why most LE agencies are going to 800 mh or digital frequencies.

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My agency uses digital frequencies and trunked channels now. Basic scanners and frequency seekers will not work with the system. The new digital system allows us to talk anywhere at all with no blind spots in the system allowing for consistent contact which greatly improves our efficiency and safety. The downside is that many local agencies still use basic frequencies and are unable to talk to us on digital so we have to have a second radio for use just in case locals need our help. As far as all the fancy new equipment to detect law enforcement, there is always something new coming out to find us and we are always proving those systems wrong and writing citations to the people that put their false sense of security into hundreds of dollars into useless equipment. I find it interesting how many people invest in so much trying to cheat the system instead of just going with it. 10 miles at 60 mph takes 10 minutes. The same distance at 75 mph takes 8 minutes. Is the savings of 2 minutes worth a hundred dollar ticket and points on a record increasing insurance? Amazing how many each day seem to think so.

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If you're relying on just technology to keep you out of the can you're in for a big letdown. If you are driving attentively, you don't need a jammer. The way to being a smoother, more attentive, and faster driver while staying out of trouble is:


* learn to drive like a Cop

* read the Speeder's Guide to Avoiding Tickets, it will make you a better driver and show you the ropes of driving like a Cop

* get a Bel STi Driver or Valentine-1 and learn how to read what it's telling you

* make sure your papers are in order and your vehicle is CLEAN

* don't drive like an inattentive ass

* my personal rule - don't go more than 5-over in the city (traffic/pedestrians too unpredictable, very dangerous).


Since lidar is only used in the city (my personal experience), I really never find myself in a situation where being laser'd would get me pulled over.


Don't think about getting a jammer; take that money instead and invest it in yourself and become a better driver!


Mr. P.

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