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Don't attempt Mortal Kombat flying kicks off the bed at your girlfriend unless you have insurance to pay for screws and a plate in your ankle.I have been telling everyone I tripped in a hole during a bear attack and crawled through the woods 10 miles but in all reality Sketchers Shape ups can do serious damage if you are flying at March 3 bare foot.nono.gifnono.gif

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Thanks, the narcotics have me feeling LOOPY at the momentfreak3.giffreak3.gif. Everyone tells me they get knocked out by these, but I feel like I can run a marathon.Besides the fact I'm handicapped as hell. I want to install one of those swing arms that attach to a wheel chair in the back of the SS, or slam the hell out of it and park a hover-round in the back and drive it around like the Gixxer I wanted.Maybe I can talk my girl into buying me a sweet riding jacket to match my scooter. fingersx.gif

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Dont worry we all have done stupid things that got us hurt. I broke my ankle because i thought it would be fun to jump off of a 9' ledge under the second story window of my High School. 16 pins and plates is what it took, that was 10 years ago and it still hurts

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im still going through my life lesson back in november i hit a tree on my banshee going 70 mph. still dont have feeling in my hand . still going through therapy . still have hardware in my arm that will be there forever. i did luckily have insurance and disability.

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Don't attempt Mortal Kombat flying kicks off the bed at your girlfriend unless you have insurance to pay for screws and a plate in your ankle.I have been telling everyone I tripped in a hole during a bear attack and crawled through the woods 10 miles but in all reality Sketchers Shape ups can do serious damage if you are flying at March 3 bare foot.nono.gifnono.gif


dude....why were u doing flying kicks at ur girlfrienddunno.gif.......is this a new sexual thing i havent heard aboutbiggrinjester.gifbiggrinjester.gifbiggrinjester.gif

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dude....why were u doing flying kicks at ur girlfrienddunno.gif.......is this a new sexual thing i havent heard aboutbiggrinjester.gifbiggrinjester.gifbiggrinjester.gif


HAHA!!! No man, we watch WAAAAAAAY too much MMA. So we run around leg kicking the hell outta each other. The worst part is I was taunting her saying IS THAT ALL YOU GOT, repetitively.Ended up getting more than I expected.Ran, jumped on bed and doing my best Bruce lee kick missed her and landed straight on the sketcher and heard a loud crunch. Destroyed the distal Fibula and some other large word. Every nurse and other medical techs I talked to thought It was so hilarious because a Sketcher broke my ankle. A guy I went to elementary school with ended up being the security guard on duty so needless to say my hospital visit sucked.Not only was I in severe pain, I was the laughing stock of the ER.Three of them asked if Alcohol was involved and so did two nurses at the orthopedic doctors office.I Said "Nope, just stupidity." yellow_loser.gif

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WELL DAMN!!! I was trying to hop up my steps with my crutches, fell and broke two toes on my good foot and torn a muscle in my armpit. I am fully handicap at this point.



are you serious??? that sucks bro. try and take it easy! maybe someone can come foam pad your whole house for safety reasons!!!!biggrinjester.gif

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are you serious??? that sucks bro. try and take it easy! maybe someone can come foam pad your whole house for safety reasons!!!!biggrinjester.gif


Ridiculous, I know. Just got over the flu,and went straight into this. My step father offered the other day to build me a wheel chair ramp,and I feel like a FOOL for not agreeing then. I have HUGE respect for handicap people,though.Not being able to shower at will,when my arm pits smell like a homeless man sucks!!! I have been playing the pity card lately so she ordered me the Panther Chameleon I have been wanting.We made a bet that I will break my wrist next. Also, talks of a converted Saiga 12g for my V-Day gift. I think if I did break my wrist it would assure me the shotgun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

YAAAY! So after having to get my cast re sized almost every 2 days, I finally talked my doctor into something I can adjust. One minute my toes were turning purple, then I put ice on it and it would shrink and start rubbing open sores. I am not allowed to walk on it for a few more weeks though, but I might be able to get a full nights rest now without my skin being torn off.Plus it looks sweet as hell, Like a Storm Trooper Boot


Edited by eeekroar (see edit history)
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Thanks, the narcotics have me feeling LOOPY at the momentfreak3.giffreak3.gif. Everyone tells me they get knocked out by these, but I feel like I can run a marathon.Besides the fact I'm handicapped as hell.



I here ya, I have multiple permanent injuries and when I have a narcotic pain med I dont sleep either. It just numbs one injury, but pain from other injuries kick in and take place.

I cant wait until snake venon is used to treat pain, it will be a huge step forward in chronic pain management, cardiovascular and other health related issues.

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