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Sold The Ss....


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Hey guys. I just figured I would stop in and let you guys all know that I sold the SS. I know I know I have heard it from a lot of people but I had to do it. I didn't drive it much anymore and I would much rather pay off some bills and do some things I need to do. The new owner seems to love the truck. He was very interested in all the things that have been done to it as well as the forum. I showed him some pictures of a few of the meets and what not and he seemed pretty impressed. He said he has been lurking on here so hopefully he will sign up and join the family. I already miss the truck, but the next project will be along soon enough. Thanks for all the info and support over the past few years. I have learned a ton from everyone on here, and had a blast in the mean time. I will still be around so don't be afraid to get a hold of me. I will hopefully make it out to the LVD meets, who knows maybe I will have a new toy by then. Anyway thanks again everyone and keep in touch. Chevy_anim.gif



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Sorry to hear about the circumstances and selling the vehicle, your next project will grab your attention. Glad to see you found a very interested buyer, hope to see him around here.


I would like to thank for getting the detailed information about my truck a few years back. Your the man Rob.


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