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Minor issue with seat plastic


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I have one screw located behind the seat adjustments on the drivers side that for some reason will always back out no matter how far I screw it in. I have no idea why it's doing it, and the plastic isn't broke (if you screw it in and pull on the plastic, that area stays tight)...but it keeps backing out.


Just thought I'd share a rant...


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Yeah, I'm definitely happy that I'm ranting about that and not a transmission problem or something like that, it's just weird that it's that ONE screw, and it's not the passenger side...weird.

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Yeah, if you're standing looking in while the door is open, it's right behind the circular button for the lumbar supports...if you see a screw head sticking out, it's loose. When fully screwed in, it's about an inch inside the plastic...

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