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So Close!


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Went to the dealer today and found the SS I wanted. Arrival Blue with Alloy wheels. Sticker was like 40.9k. Dealer said he would give to me at invoice (36.5k) plus rebates. Thats probably the best I can get right? They just didn't want to give me squat for my Tahoe. Got to go sell the bish now :smash:

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I got my Avalanche for $600 under invoice after 15 minutes of haggling. With all the incentives available at the time, that adds up to a $39K stickered truck for about $28K before TT&L. With the 'holdback' dealerships get about $1200 if they sell right at invoice. How well you do depends on how far you want to push them. They didn't make much money on me, but they more than made up for that on the next guy, I'm sure.


Good luck - let us know what happens. :thumbs:

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