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Who Else Is Excited For The Snow?!


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the ONLY thing I miss about the snow is having a snow machine.!!! Man I loved all of mine and compared to whats out there now there were junk. ENJOY the winter pepsicheer.gifpepsicheer.gif


Me..I will take one of the bikes out for a cruise now. cool.gif

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iamwithstupid.gif Mine is buried in snow/ice and it's like 5 degrees outside. My poor SS...


Haha! Yeah that sounds about right mines outside, but its only like 4 degrees up here and going down still.... The remote start is going to be a must tomorrow....

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Bring the snow! This is Americana time with snow, turkey, beers, champagne and christmas trees. Doesnt get any better. Blew my radiator in my triple pipe mach z. Buddy had the same sled with over 15 in the engine compartment, NOS etc.

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booo Snow. Its snowed about 5" this last weekend here, most of it has melted but its supose to snow again.


The thing i hate about snow is driving in it, not because i dont like driving it it, it is the other people that scare me.


The best thing about the snow is snowboarding and I have some uncles and cousins with sleds


I just whish it would stick to snowing in the mountains and stay nice in the flat lands, but it does not work that way around here

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