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How To Approach


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Like the title says, I have spotted out where the new owner of the black SS that has been around my town. Completely stock 03-04. I see the truck parked outside nightly driving by, saw the owner outside last night but thought me trying to approach him at night might be sketchy. I want to leave a slip on his windshield, but i know i wouldnt like that as I am ocd about my truck being touched.


So how would you approach someone to invite to the site? I plan on stopping by with my truck next late spring if I havent met the guy yet. Has 2 garage bays and the truck is outside, going to have to help him get that garage cleaned out so his SS has a nice warm sitting spot.

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I approach people with SS' often and when i'm in my SSS it's pretty easy for them to figure out what i'm going to say/talk about. I would just wait until you see him again and if your in your SSS it'll be very easy, just go up and give a nice compliment on his truck, ask him if he has any mods or plans for mods, then talk about yours a little bit and then ask him to join the site and see if he/she is interested.

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Good point, talking about these trucks and plans are best, having severe stress and anxiety isnt easy to talk to anyone but I can talk about this truck non stop. Im driving by in a f-150, so might be best to wait till spring and ill bring him some detail products as a good gesture and tell him to check the site. I hope to have my corsa, cai and tune so the next road to him is 55mph, so I might let him try a quick wot run and back to let him know the site isnt a joke.

Thanks bud. :pepsicheer:

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Just go talk to him. Your not asking him on a date..... or are you??? HAHA JK.


Honestly, I can't tell you how many people come up, and talk to me about my bike. Literally every time I stop somewhere, someone comes up, and ask if it's a 1000. Even though it has 600 wrote on the side. I;m sure he wouldn't mind another a SS owner shooting the sh*t. I don't think he would mind what vehicle you are in at the time. If he does..... punch him in the throat.


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I frequently slip a card between the driver's window glass and weatherstrip to drop an invite to our local group- I wouldn't sweat the OCD, if it's parked outside, you're probably way worse than he is.


Very true, his has the salt spray all over which i wont bash him for he uses it as a real truck. Maybe I will slip a note on his garage door or truck one early evening saying i own the exact same, name phone number and website address to check out.

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Just wait til you see the guy outside then stop and talk!




iamwithstupid.gif I like the person to person better. I feel if someone left a card it would feel too "advertisey" (yeah, I know thats not a word, but ya'll get the point). Just talk to him man, theres almost no way hes a giant d-bag and is gonna tell you to piss off. Chances are hes a normal guy and loves talking about his vehicles.

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A while back there was a link to download business cards that basically told people i like ur ss are u logged on to Silveradoss.com? I don't know if the original guys have the link or something.

But i would just stop and say hey man nice truck. pepsicheer.gif



Interesting about the cards. I do like the "hey nice truck approach" then at the end say i own one. Thank you bud.

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