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They Try To Take My Ss Clone :(


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Tripple post lol

I know some thrive are not that stupid to do that I ur own drive way or garage

If they Can't take it in under a five mins they won't take it .it happen to me couple years ago they broke my window busted my ignition took my radio and all 500 CDs I had ,

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glad your pops got up when he heard them sons of biatches... I had my truck stolen 3 times within 18 months. Lojack found it every time with min. damage. I would love to stage my truck just to catch em and introduce them to my two friends Smith and his cousin Wesson. No my truck just sits in the back driveway covered up with the holidays here and thiefs being out at full force.

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kinda a easy fix for you guys, or a lil tip i would like to share to keep your truck safe unless if they tow it . put a fuse on the wire that powers your fuel pump/pumps, and make it accessible so you can pull it with out people seeing you doing it. and make it habit to pull the fuse when getting out of your truck . this way when they try to start it , it will just keep cranking or may briefly start for a second but then die on them and not be able to start again . tell NOBODY! where you keep the fuse!

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