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cold air induction


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can the cold air intake ever be bad on a truck like for instance in the winter time will the air ever get too cold or is it ok on it someone told me that it would hurt your car in the winter but i didnt know what to believe it makes since just didnt know if it would or not let me know if you can thanks alot


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I was forced into using my 79' impala two winters ago, and had some problems with too cold of air. I used a fully exposed air intake element, and didn't use the stock hot air source off of the top of the headers..... It caused all sorts of hesitation and it loaded up. :puke:

I'm pretty sure the ideal conditions for air are just above 32 degree's. Anything below (without a hot air source in my car's case) seemed to cause me problems. Feel free to chime in guys, but that is what I attributed my problems to. :thumbs:

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The cold air intake aids the combustion process by supplying ample amounts of oxygen to mix with the fuel. The colder the air, the denser the air fuel mixture, simply put, cold air provides more oxygen than warm air. Drivability issues may arise in extreme situations, but not to the extreme where engine damage could occur.


As stated in previous replies, in carbed engines, a cold "stumble" can occur, but in FI engines the computer takes care of all of these nasty problems. The worst you will notice is a slight hesitation until the engine warms up.

By using the Cold Air Intake, you stand to gain far more than you lose. Increases in mileage, horsepower, and torque, not to mention the cool sound coming from the better flowing intake system!


Now just slap some headers and a low restriction exhaust on that bad boy, and you'll be set!



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The computer will learn to make the most of the increased airflow no matter what source of tune you have. I have a SuperChips MicroTuner and it works great in conjunction with the Volant. I recently saw an improvement in my mileage by over two miles per gallon, making the Volant and Tuner money well spent in my books! :cheers:


I can only speculate, but I'd say the Predator will love it also :thumbs:

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