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Hurricanes Ivan & Jeanne


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This year's hurricane season has just been a nightmare! :nonod: I just can't believe it. :confused: I live in Stuart FL on the east coast of Florida due east of Lake Okeechobee.


Charley just missed my area. :sigh: Frances hit us dead on. :smash: Crazy Ivan :crazy: missed us, but then looped around and rained like hell on us. :puke: Last night we found a new leak in our damaged roof and another section of ceiling will need to be replaced. :banghead:


Finally met with my insurance adjuster today for the roof, soffitt, interior, carpet, and appliance damage from Frances. We will need a new roof, soffitt, sections of drywall, new carpet in 1 room and new refrigerator and dishwasher (surge-related), subject to the 2% deductible.


Now Jeanne is forcast to come too close for comfort to us and we are definitely in the danger zone. :uhoh:


Man, give me a break.


Rick R

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Best of luck with everything you have going on right now; my fingers are crossed for you that this next hurricane will at least go to another state or swerve out to sea…


This has for sure been a crazy year for hurricanes, and the future looks grim with the added affects of global warming…

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Rick, best of luck with Jeanne. God knows, FL has had enough this year. Hopefully, it loops back around out to the Atlantic, or worse case just brushes FL's eastern coast. I have seen a couple of models calling for it to come across at us, which really excites me (sarcasm). I don't wish it to hit anywhere else.


Is it possible before you close out this claim to wait and see if Jeanne will do any damage to have it covered under one big one? That way you'd only get hit by the 2% once instead of two different times. My guess is no. Insurance companies probably wouldn't allow it for one reason or other.

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everyone should have expected this, i guess my responces get ignored about these subjects since im midwest and it may SEEM like i dont know how it is but trust me i do, we had tornados here EVERY OTHER DAY for 2months straight this year...... thats alot and thats bad, always close to me but always slipped right by..... its extremely nerve racking and scary so i know how you in FL must feel, i dont know whats up with all the bad weather this year i just hope next year will be a drought and nothing bad like the year before this was.... keep your chin up and stay safe

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Well, I'm all ready. Sitting here in a dark house, because I have storm panels on all my windows. Look like it's going to be a long, boring weekend, especially if the power goes out.


I'm hoping my truck fares OK - it's parked on the side of the house that will be shielded from most of the wind. No trees anywhere nearby to fall on it, and hopefully no flying debris will blow into it. There's no way it will fit in my garage, so I'm hoping for the best.


I read somwehere that no state has had 4 hurricanes in a season since the 1800's (Texas)!

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Well, I'm all ready.  Sitting here in a dark house, because I have storm panels on all my windows.  Look like it's going to be a long, boring weekend, especially if the power goes out.


I'm hoping my truck fares OK - it's parked on the side of the house that will be shielded from most of the wind.  No trees anywhere nearby to fall on it, and hopefully no flying debris will blow into it.  There's no way it will fit in my garage, so I'm hoping for the best.


I read somwehere that no state has had 4 hurricanes in a season since the 1800's (Texas)!

I hope you fair well.


After driving around here and seeing some of the damage, I'm not so sure that parking the truck between two house is the best route to take. It will depend on which way that space points North/South or East/West. I'm no expert on storms and by no means am trying to insult your intelligence, but if it points East/West, I wouldn't put it in there.


If it's on an East/West orientation, there will be 2 periods when wind will be whipping through the houses at an extreme rate. Since the storm rotates counter-clockwise, the winds will primarily have a east to west movement, then as the storm comes over it will shift to west to east. This added to the close proximity of the homes will also create a wind tunnel effect. The majority of homes that suffered little damage around here, suffered it mostly in between the house where the wind was seemingly the most concentrated, mine included. And remember, my house sits at North/South orientation. I saw an apartment complex that suffered nearly zero damage, with the exception of when the buildings were close. In those areas, all the siding was almost completely stripped up to 3 floors.


Just something to think about. I would have thought the same thing, until I saw the aftermath of what the wind tunnel effect coupled with 100mph winds does. I left one of my cars here, up close to the garage door and nothing happened to it.


Good luck, bro.

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Oops, maybe I worded that wrong. :crazy: What I was trying to say was, it will be in my driveway - which is on the east side of the house, which is the side that is not getting the worst of the winds (hopefully). I know what you mean about the wind going between the houses at an extreme rate, Ben - similar to the Venturi effect in a carburetor. And yes, mine will be close to the garage door too. Last 2 hurricanes I put the truck in a warehouse, but I'm getting tired of shelling out the $$$ every 2 weeks. My neighborhood has no big trees to fall on it, so this time I think I'll take my chances. But that was good info you posted, maybe it will help anyone else who was considering parking between the houses. I've seen people in my neighborhood do it, but I think they've been lucky so far. Thanks for wishing me luck, and I'm glad to hear you came through the last one OK! :D

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Well it looks like its going to barely miss us XGM. Keep your fingers crossed...


ICORNER looks like he might get some rough weather, but it should come it to the north of Stuart (I think that's what the last model said). This makes 4 major hurricanes in how many weeks? 5?


I missed where its hitting in the panhandle, but my wife thinks its a land-only route so it shouldn't be too strong by then.

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we had tornados here EVERY OTHER DAY for 2months straight this year...... thats alot and thats bad, always close to me but always slipped right by.....


I actually enjoyed that... but I'm one of the insane storm chasers out there!


I actually used the SS to chase 2 of the times :crazy:

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