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Truck totaled and injury update.

Blown 346

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My truck was totaled in January of 2012 due to a lady rear ending me at about 50 MPH while I was at a stop. I had alot of issues right after the accident which started out as instant back and neck pain, and a grade 3 concussion which put me out of work instantly for 8 months. Went to dr after dr, and the hospital several times for my head symptoms and pain, 4 MRI's and numerous cat scans and x rays.


Finally got a new neurologist after my first one told me Im fine.. I have had issues with dizzyness, cant remember anything, dont recall saying or doing things, my personality, anger issues, hallucinating along with a bunch of other head issues. Went to see a back specialist for my back issues, and came to find out I have 2 bulging discs in my lower neck, muscles and soft tissue damage, nerve damage which causes intense pain, where i cant even stand or put pressure on my feet. Hands, arms and legs falling asleep constantly. My lower natural curvature of my spine is now almost gone from the impact to my spine which is considered a compression injury from a blunt force. I was diagnosed with PTSD and a Traumatic brain Injury from the accident, along with partial and complex parietal seizures. Now I cant work for the Fire Dept anymore or drive due to this. I have been put on 1,500 MG of anti seizure meds to help control the amount of seizures I have per day. I just finished my Speech,and part of my first round of physical therapy. The bad news is since the first DR i was seeing didnt seem to think I had anything more than a concussion, he didnt have me do any therapy. My brain injury and its symptoms got worse over the year due to not starting the therapy early. The drs tell me I wont get any better, and wont be the same person as I used to be due to to brain injury and will always have dizzyness, fatigue, balance issues, vertigo headaches,memory and sensory issues, let alone the back issues and the arthritis I can look forward to with my entire back and neck.


The good thing is I know im not crazy as the Dr found out why I was having all my issues. The bad is having all of this get dumped on me back to back over the past few months. Im only 32 and might not be able to work again due to my injuries, let alone get social security as the state told me I dont have enough credits as I havent worked long enough to buy into it.

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Dude, I don't know what to say except I wish all the best and hope that you could get your issues better under control, your just a young man and because of your accident a huge part of your life has changed.


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Sorry to hear ...


Honestly, I personally would start looking at other forms of treatment. My wife has had two herniated discs, back issues, numbness in her limbs and migraines since she slipped and feel down the stairs a few years ago. Regular treatment and medications did not work. We were certain to try everything we could, because surgery on the discs would not be done.


My wife has since found a Craniosacral Therapist. (I call him a witch doctor , lol) but he has given my wife her quality of life back. She is on average 85-90% pain free with No Medication and No Surgery. It may seem weird, but at this point, what do you have to lose.


Any questions, just PM




Craniosacral therapy


Craniosacral therapy (CST), or cranial-sacral therapy, is a form of bodywork or alternativetherapy focused primarily on the concept of "primary respiration" and regulating the flow ofcerebrospinal fluid by using therapeutic touch to manipulate the synarthrodial joints of thecranium. Craniosacral therapy was developed by Dr. John Upledger in the 1970s, and is loosely based on osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF), which was developed in the 1930s by William Garner Sutherland.[1][2] In the United States, OCF, or cranial osteopathy, as it is more commonly known, can only be practiced by fully licensedphysicians (DOs, MDs and, in some states licensed naturopathic physicians, or NDs) anddentists.[3]Skeptics of craniosacral therapy commonly cite a sparse evidence base and the lack of a demonstrated biologically plausible mechanism as primary issues within the craniosacral therapy field. In the absence of rigorous, well-designedrandomized controlled trials,[4][5] there is a growing scientific consensus that craniosacral therapy is pseudoscience;[6][7][8][9] opponents and skeptics of craniosacral therapy have called its practice quackery.[10][11]Proponents of craniosacral therapy (notably the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the United Kingdom) disagree with this depiction and point to a number of small studies which, taken together, they claim indicate beneficial changes for participants in the studies.[12] They claim a recent trend of opinion that regards clinical trials as unsuitable to measure the benefits obtainable from some complementary and alternative therapies, and which regard the use of other outcome measures as preferable.[13][14][15]

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Wow this is hard to read. Sorry to hear this I wish all the best for you. I really hope the Dr. is wrong. Try n do you best to keep your head up because this is a heavy weight that's just been dropped on you. I'm sure as most of us guys ready this we will pray for you and hopefully you beat the odds on this.

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Sorry to hear this man. I would also look into alternative treatment routes other than the normal "sick care" system we have in place. I hope everythong wprks out for you.....one question, WTF was that bitch doing going 50mph and not looking?

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For the Neurologist, the 3 day EEG test doesnt lie. Since the seizures started due to the brain tissue being damaged, worst case is the seizures can get worse. This is due to the new electrical connections that are being from my brain trying to create new pathways from the ones that were severed in the accident.


For my back and neck the only treatment so far is for stretching, strengthening, soft tissue mobilization, madalities treatment. The Dr said this should help the bulging discs inflammation go down so the discs can go back where they need to be. The nerve damage is there for ever as once the nerve is damaged there is no fixing it. Hopefully this works for me, unfortunatly since I cant drive anymore, I have to schedule my therapy around when I can get a ride. That will be my biggest down fall as far as having the treatment work since i cant guarantee being there each week.

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My wife has had seizures since she was little. It's hard but we make it work. She can't drive at all and having a 3year old she would love to take him out and about. With hers you have no idea when she could have them. Car lights at night trigger them and also going from light to dark can as well. She doesn't have convulsions she stares in to outer space for a few.

Keep your head up and be thankful to be alive. I know is sucks but things will get better for you there's options out there just got dig and find them. Good luck!!

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That's terrible man! How's her insurance treating the accident?? I was really lucky last month. Same thing happend to me sitting at a stop light and got rear ended buy a lady doing around 40. My friend and I never seen it coming so that helped us.

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Her insurance hasnt paid a single dime toward any of my bills. My insurance has been paying for everything since day one. I had to fight tooth and nail to get my insurance check from my totaled truck and that took 2 months. I saw the whole accident coming in my rearview and watched until she hit me and I went unconscious which im sure didnt help as I tensed up.


NomoreSS, My seizures are also a combination of staring off, and sometimes mild convulsions like head, arm and leg shaking. I have no idea that they are even happening until Im told about it.


Thanks for the prayers, Im taking it one day at a time.

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My truck was totaled in January of 2012 due to a lady rear ending me at about 50 MPH while I was at a stop. I had alot of issues right after the accident which started out as instant back and neck pain, and a grade 3 concussion which put me out of work instantly for 8 months. Went to dr after dr, and the hospital several times for my head symptoms and pain, 4 MRI's and numerous cat scans and x rays.


Finally got a new neurologist after my first one told me Im fine.. I have had issues with dizzyness, cant remember anything, dont recall saying or doing things, my personality, anger issues, hallucinating along with a bunch of other head issues. Went to see a back specialist for my back issues, and came to find out I have 2 bulging discs in my lower neck, muscles and soft tissue damage, nerve damage which causes intense pain, where i cant even stand or put pressure on my feet. Hands, arms and legs falling asleep constantly. My lower natural curvature of my spine is now almost gone from the impact to my spine which is considered a compression injury from a blunt force. I was diagnosed with PTSD and a Traumatic brain Injury from the accident, along with partial and complex parietal seizures. Now I cant work for the Fire Dept anymore or drive due to this. I have been put on 1,500 MG of anti seizure meds to help control the amount of seizures I have per day. I just finished my Speech,and part of my first round of physical therapy. The bad news is since the first DR i was seeing didnt seem to think I had anything more than a concussion, he didnt have me do any therapy. My brain injury and its symptoms got worse over the year due to not starting the therapy early. The drs tell me I wont get any better, and wont be the same person as I used to be due to to brain injury and will always have dizzyness, fatigue, balance issues, vertigo headaches,memory and sensory issues, let alone the back issues and the arthritis I can look forward to with my entire back and neck.


The good thing is I know im not crazy as the Dr found out why I was having all my issues. The bad is having all of this get dumped on me back to back over the past few months. Im only 32 and might not be able to work again due to my injuries, let alone get social security as the state told me I dont have enough credits as I havent worked long enough to buy into it.


Sounds very similar after my accident which I "completely obliterated" cervical discs, herniated bulged discs from sacroillyac to cervical. I cant move my neck without it sounding like fireworks go off (cracking, popping, etc). One thing you need to be sure of is brain damage. Problem is you never had a base line test. Then again, if they did find any brain trauma they cannot fix it (but they can make it a result of the woman crashing into you).


As far as treatment, do not go by what others say, but by which you are most comfortable and confident. What one person finds good, could cause complete chaos in yours. I also had 2 siezures after cracking my skull but never had one since. I found a medication and it has absolutely done me wonders. Numbness, pins and needles, hot/cold sensations are just a part of life for me now. Risk of surgery in my neck is not worth coming out in wheelchair or not waking up. One method I may recommend is acupuncture, worst scenario it simply cannot restore blood flow to areas that are bothering you most.


How are your sleep patterns? Those can be serious irritators if not on a strict schedule for seizures and epilepsy patients.


Keep positive and staying strong. Im 11 years after the accident as a passenger and still being diagnosed by the best ortho hospital in the country.

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Sounds very similar after my accident which I "completely obliterated" cervical discs, herniated bulged discs from sacroillyac to cervical. I cant move my neck without it sounding like fireworks go off (cracking, popping, etc). One thing you need to be sure of is brain damage. Problem is you never had a base line test. Then again, if they did find any brain trauma they cannot fix it (but they can make it a result of the woman crashing into you).


As far as treatment, do not go by what others say, but by which you are most comfortable and confident. What one person finds good, could cause complete chaos in yours. I also had 2 siezures after cracking my skull but never had one since. I found a medication and it has absolutely done me wonders. Numbness, pins and needles, hot/cold sensations are just a part of life for me now. Risk of surgery in my neck is not worth coming out in wheelchair or not waking up. One method I may recommend is acupuncture, worst scenario it simply cannot restore blood flow to areas that are bothering you most.


How are your sleep patterns? Those can be serious irritators if not on a strict schedule for seizures and epilepsy patients.


Keep positive and staying strong. Im 11 years after the accident as a passenger and still being diagnosed by the best ortho hospital in the country.



I do have the same issue when I turn my head, there are 2 bones at the base of my neck that are supposed to move when your head turns. Mine do not move anymore and wont due to the neck injury. I can hear popping when I turn my head from side to side to side.


My brain injury has not only been proven by my neurologist, but also by the brain injury treatment center i was at for therapy. they specialize in people with brain injuries from accidents, stroke etc. I did have baseline testing done for concentration, speech, reading comprehension, etc etc, and then again after 4 months of my treatment with no changes. I had to work with pegs, colors word finding etc. My test results came back positive for brain injury. The neurologist does have it in his file after my EEG and my MRI's and Cat Scans, and also looking back into all my medical records and school records showing that I didnt have any issue up until the accident. He compared my school records like reading comprehension, math, spelling etc with me as of now and I failed miserably.


I have already had over 50 seizures in one day. Most are the trance like ones, but I did have the shaking seizures 6 times in about 1 hour. They each lasted anywhere from 1 minute to 3.


My sleep patterns have been messed up the day after the accident. I cant get more than 2 to 3 hours of sleep a day for about 2 days straight, then I sleep for about 12 hours and the sycle starts all over again. I can be dead tired physically and emotionally and just toss and turn for hours. Recently within the last few months when my seizures started, after I would have a episode, I would fall asleep from it draining my energy.


Im trying to stay positive but its extremely hard when I have worked my whole life to be a FireFighter, and love the job. Then Im told I cant drive or work due to this. The life I worked so hard for has been taken from this lady texting... Its just really difficult to try and accept all of this from day one to almost 2 years later and im still being taken down piece by piece.

Edited by Blown 346 (see edit history)
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