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Ever wonder how your Silverado SS can be stolen so easily? You have go


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If you've got Netflix, watch "American Underworld" episode 2 Car/Identity theft.


This is insane! This documentary on car theft shows how easily our trucks are being stolen. and exactly why we all need to get some type of security system or a fuel cutoff. These guys steal a 2003 RCSB with an SS front bumper and billet wheels in less than 60 seconds! Its crazy. And it was a damn nice truck too. Im definitely researching good security systems and am going to make a fuel cutoff function for my truck after watching this. You should do the same. Especially all you SoCal guys. Seems like theres a "Stolen SS" thread every few weeks from that area.



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Thats crazy. I dont think a car alarm will do any good with people of that caliber. If they can steal a truck with a screw driver, no key, they can easily by pass a alarm. The fuel shut off is another thing, but if the vehicle being taken isnt in a traffic area, Im sure they can by pass that too if they have enough time and really want it. they can just tow it once they put it in neutral and its gone.

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I don't think I would have any problem shooting somebody in the face if I walked out to see them stealing something of mine lol

Yup^^^^ this is what I'm talking about. When you live close to the cities this is always a tempting thought!

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I just got off work a couple hours ago, and just started watching this to the point where he's gonna take the truck, and down the street from some guy is trying to break into house. Wtf!!!

This guy gets dropped off in a black sweater and is looking suspicious, by that time I go outside and I can see the guy, and he's getting dropped off by a girl in a beat up camary and another neighbor notices the suspicious activity and calls the police, of course the cops never got here. But the guy gets on his phone and another beat up Honda picks him up this time it's a guy.

I talked to the neighbor that called the cops and apparently the guy had a crow bar in his hand.

Crazy shit to happen while I'm watching this. That's why I keep my colt 45 close at times and ready to go.

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