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Surprise Weekend Project


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The short version....

We own a few rental properties. Recently one became vacant due to an eviction.

In the process of putting that house back togther I've been using it as a staging area...

Tools, clothes change, food, etc... It's been cleaned, but still stripped.

All the houses are within a block of each other.

We are in the process of residing another (almost finished).

I haven't been down there in a month.

I walked in the vacant one yesterday morning to change clothes...


Water leak, my free time for the next several weeks had just evaporated.

I hate f@#king sheetrock work, especially ceilings! :mad:

It's a good thing it was empty and a better thing the new carpet wasn't down yet.


I cut it back another foot today.


Since I'm grinding and dust is flying, a few more cracks to take care of.

These are tough because nailers have to be installed, they were nailed to nothing.



It's always sumthin... :banghead:


WW :cool:

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Sorry to hear that NightShift. You are exactly right though, it's always something.


Not having ever done it, are rent houses as much a pain as everyone says they are? I thought about doing it someday but I'm just curious about some insider info.

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I'm impressed, WW. If things don't work out with IBM you have a second career opportunity...............sheetrock work (specializing in ceilings).  61182.jpg


We do the major reconstruction ourselves.

It's better to do it yourself and you know it's right.

My experience with contractors within a few years you have to rip it down and do it over.

Then repair the additonal damaged caused by them doing something half-assed.

For the most part these properties are a good investment, buy them cheap out of receivership, put a little cash into them, get a good tenant, in 5 years the investment is paid for and they're income.

We get long term tenants that tend to keep things in order, no big issues other than general maintenance.

This one is the exception. :dunno:


As far as IBM, I'm just biding my time. :pop:


WW :cool:

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Oh man, my neighbor recently moved to Florida, but rented out his house, and he got screwed over! The guys that rented it used it as a marijuana farm, and raped his house! If any of you live around the Detroit (MI) area, you may have heard about those 3 farms that got busted, and the one they missed, well that was the one the cops missed. Louis Erant (spelling?) was the guy that was renting it, and the guy that got arrested. Anyways, he has over ten grand in damages.

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I like to be close by, the houses are on the same block. The tenant we evicted was in there 72 days. Lied about everything, she knew how to play the system. I did manage to get a $4800 judgement againest her and her 22 year old son. Not that I'll see it, but it's there, turns out several people are looking for her.

The house could have been allot worse, carpet and pad was ruined, and general filth. You have to wonder how these people get by.

It's a good thing when the ceiling gave way the new carpet and pad wasn't down, it's in rolls in the garage. Hadn't had the chance to have it installed.

Going now to spend the day in the attic, replace the pipe and get the nailers installed...

And these projects aways grow... :sigh:


WW :cool:

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