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Radio Theftlock


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My truck was turning over slow, I checked the battery cables and sure enough the ground was loose. After tightening it, I found out I must have disconnected the radio for a while because the theftlock code came on. My nephew owns a car stereo shop, but he couldn't clear it. I ended up going to the dealer and they "married" the radio to my truck again. They didn't charge me anything, but what a pain. The tech said anytime the battery is unhooked, it will happen again. I'm happy to make it harder on a thief, but I wish there was a way around this for the owner.

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I also had my factory OEM radio on a shelf for months and reinstalled it with no problem. '03 model Z71 here. Mine is not the Bose, though.


Guess one should just be "aware" that the potenital for the theft lock to kick in when removing power would be there.

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I've had my battery disconnected twice before and never had the security deal happen... I think all you have to do is disconnect the battery for thirty minutes or longer and it automatically resets the security... It's in the owners manual..... read, read, read... :banghead:

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