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Posts posted by smoke03

  1. well guys...im leavin for gatlinburg in the mornin...prolly not gonna be on here much between now and sunday afternoon but AS SOON AS I GET BACK...there will be a post with my name on it with the details



    thanks guys, i really appreciate all the comments from my SSS Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. :withstupid:


    Congrats Ben :cheers:


    She's a cutie


    You got have a special way to propose.

    I'm sure with this group we can help with ideas :crazy:



    yeah were goin to gatlinburg im either gonna do it in the space needle OR on the chair lift that goes to the top of the mountain...still thinkin BUT ALL IDEAS ARE APPRECIATED lol

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