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Posts posted by smoke03

  1. You have one of 2 choices:

    1.) you could IM him and try and talk it out and try and be the calm and mature adult in the situation. Alot of times just talking to somebody can resolve the problem


    2.) ignore it. Then, God forbid, if your truck gets keyed or messed with, then that to me would be grounds for an @$$ whippin'.


    There is also a third option:


    3.) Beat his @$$ and be done with it. Just make sure he dont want no more when your done.




  2. :withstupid: unless it can be cost effective.


    But..you guys are goin thru the trouble of setting it up, so do what you want..its kewl



    well like i said...wed have to split the cost of the track rental between all of us and it looks like were starting to get some more interest. It looks like we have some out of state interest, too. The more people we have, the less each person will have to pay. If we just join in on the "fun night" on saturday night then you will have to pay per truck.


    TRUST ME, we'll keep everyone posted. I want this to happen just as bad as you guys do.

  3. Me and Jim Yates are trying to get a get together going for everybody that can attend. The event will be one weekend in april of next year. This was attempted this year but didnt work out We are waiting to here from beech bend on what weekends are open. We will either rent the track OR join in on saturday night. It just depends on the amount of interest we have. The track isnt exactly cheap. We will also be touring the corvette plant and museum. If you are interested and want to attend please let me or J. Yates know so we can decide on whether or not we want to rent the track. Also, any ideas for the gathering are appreciated!


    EDIT: again we would like to rent the track so that its only us there. Our hopes were to split the cost between all of the members who were going to be attending. We will post a poll at closer to time to see what everyone wants to do...



    Smoke03, j.yates

    [email protected]

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