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Everything posted by ashleylorraine

  1. Omg how adorable...very cute, Brad! I love kids.
  2. Here is my photobucket http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r183/as...f129/?start=all Thank you!! p.s. yes, I know I could go to siggynation, but I don't feel like it
  3. I want proof! haha jk thats very funny though
  4. lol haha thanks, Kevin! And yes I am one of those crazy jumpers who always finds the "hole" in traffic! I like to "lead the herd in a herd" type of thing. Looking forward to seeing you and everybody else on the 9th!
  5. His other home is the closet. John will come out of the closet every so often to romp around and play!
  6. Awww thanks, John!!! You are SO sweet sometimes!
  7. The same way you walk around with your boobies, John!!
  8. Dan, is this your eye candy? Did you get this picture from your "private" folder from your computer? lol
  9. Check this out. Sorry if it's a repost, but I checked to make sure it wasn't. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/16202/
  10. I seriously hope you are joking. Mr. P. is no where NEAR a pedophile. And how do you know for sure if that girl is under 18 or not to make such an assumption? She looks 18 or 19 to me. Besides, the comment made was not directed towards that exact girl. It was meant for someone else.
  11. Number 8 is sooooo fu*kin funny! Although, this is very witty since it's coming from you, Steven, because we all know nothing is better than sex. Well wait...maybe racing the SS is. Hmm
  12. Yes, Kevin, I have travelled route 80 during rush hour traffic. I go to Centenary College and have a 6 o'clock night class. I usually leave my house around 4:30 and always seem to make it to school in about 40 mins. So
  13. That's great, Steven want a cookie - or two? lol Just kidding, hunny! Awesome kill - I bet that made your night!
  14. John, this track is literally 30 mins from my house. It's right by my college actually. If you really wanna go, you could follow me there and then bounce whenever you want to because you will have NO problem getting back home. I've mentioned it before, but if any of you guys want to convoy to the track I'm gamed...
  15. I just mapquested this track to see how far it is from my house, and WOW it's only 30-40 mins from me! Hell yea! I think majority of you will be passing by my house/town to get to this track - so if any of you would like to meet up at or near my house and convoy to the track together that would be cool. Just lemme know.
  16. Thank you. You say it like you know from a previous experience. ;) If you were wearing an orange jump suit, I'd stare at you, too.
  17. I got called out to Jury duty a year or so ago, but thank God they didn't call my number! However, with all the speeding and careless driving tickets I have gotten over the years and going to court to fight them, I have heard many interesting and funny cases. This whack job lady stating that this is ONLY her fifth assualt and battery charge, a young man giving minors alcohol, and then you have the people in the orange jump suits that I just can't help to not stare at. I remember this one case where a guy had a garbage bag in the bed of his truck, and he was on his way to dump it. He gets pulled over and the cop took the liberty to look inside the garbage bag and saw empty cans of beer. The cop gave the poor guy a ticket for carrying opened liquor! Thankfully the Judge let the guy go on that. Pretty unfair ticket IMO. Have fun in court, Keith!
  18. I could so comment to this, but I'll be nice... lol
  19. If this wasn't so far away I'd go. I want a rematch, Jeff! Your red a$$ is going DOWN! lol Kevin, I love your new signature! Awesomeness. However, you left out the magnaflows and tints part in your description since those are the main mods. Right?
  20. You have a long drive, my friend. Can the red pick up handle it?
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