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Everything posted by ashleylorraine

  1. Unfortunately for him, that most likely didn't get to happen.
  2. Oh my God, that was too freakin' funny! I especially like the part when the girl called the dude gay! Hahahahahaha
  3. Aww how cute I love my TBSS. Those two vehicles look great sittin' next to each other. However, that TBSS owner needs to wax his rims!
  4. Thank you very much. I was so proud and happy when I saw them. I have awesome r/ts now, and you have a bad ass truck. So jealous.
  5. Omg I am just f*cking with you, John - chill.
  6. Aww, I know you are playing - so am I! Your truck is an awesome shade of red though. ;)
  7. I know I try. Hey I improved that on my SECOND time racing at E-town that Wed. night. Ask Mark he was there to witness. .8 reaction time to .060! Oh yea! Not bad for a rookie. ;) lol
  8. They only put that on there for you to make you feel better lol
  9. Don't start, sh*t Mr. John XSS! lmao! Oh and, Jeff, you failed to mention in your post after the pic whose 1/4 mile time was faster. ;)
  10. Oh boy, Janik, you are going to get me in trouble with the boys over at tbssowners! lol haha Oh well it's all good, but yes the boys here at SSS.com are way cool. ;) BTW - Welcome to the site, Janik. Brad, awesome would be an understatement! As you Texans would say, "You guys are B*TCHIN!" lol
  11. LOL I had a feeling you would have chimed in and mentioned something, Kevin, because I know you drive that route for work. God bless you and makin' that drive every day! You know - there is an AWESOME ice cream place on Union Blvd called "gelotti's". Ever been there? OK, sorry to hijack the thread! Anyways, slammedbowtie, go take a look at that SSS and give it a good home!
  12. There was a victory red SSS on route 46 in Totowa, NJ. I saw it about a month ago so I am not sure if it is still there. I forget the name of the dealership, but if you are really interested I can take a ride and find out for you.
  13. The List 1- Fireman31 2- PladdPezzPunk 3- RockHead 4- IH82W8 5- Krambo 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- Is that better almighty, Dan? hehehe ;) Oh and if Kevin only has magnaflows and tints, then I have a supercharger.
  14. Hahaha that's some funny sh*t! However, they should have gotten a hotel room! What dummies...
  15. I'm so in. The List 1- Fireman31 2- PladdPezzPunk 3- RockHead 4- IH82W8 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-
  16. Well actually...I see a lot of cleavage...not necessarily titties. But still...I saw nice breasts/cleavage! They should be pics WITHOUT shirts, bras, or bathing suits on. haha! lol
  17. Oh look who finally came out of their cave and decided to join the fun again! big john! haha
  18. Congrats, Brad! You must be so happy now like a little kid in the candy store. The truck sounds awesome. Looks like you had great helpers! I can't wait to do something similar to my TBSS now. Ohh the mod bug - it's bitten me, well actually at this point I think it ate me. haha
  19. I'll take some candy thank you, but only if you'll be feeding it to me. lol But on a real note - where do you get this TBTC from anyways?
  20. Thanks everybody! Looking at my sister's baby and holding him makes me want one! haha lol
  21. Thank you Mark, Jeff, Dan, Keith, and haul! Here is Landon's big brother, Liam.
  22. Oh my gawsh! Thanks for lettin' the cat out of the bag, Dan! I'm really 12 and a half and three quarters...
  23. I forgot you were on this site. EXCUSE me! No need to get your panties in a bunch ;) Oh and by the way, DON, do you still think I'm 17? Because I'm not! I'm really 14.
  24. On September 27, at 9:11pm (weird I know) Landon was born! Here is a picture I took of my nephew with my camera phone. Sorry it's not the best quality, but once I get a chance I'll upload better pictures.
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