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Everything posted by ashleylorraine

  1. Very nice lookin' truck! Welcome to the site. You have awesome taste in color choice by the way...
  2. Nice! Ok so how much and where do I get this stall converter from?
  3. How much does that cost and where can I get it from? My R/T got significantly better last night than on Saturday. However, I want something that will help my 1/4mile times! lol
  4. Thanks guys. Yes, Jeff, I did stall up a little bit. On my last run I tried to stall a little higher to 1500, and everything was just going so fast that I messed up and red lighted. I was pissed. Ask Mark he saw how pissed I was. Haha. My TBSS should have been good for 13s last night, but like I said before - I think having almost a full tank of gas hindered my times. Stupid me. Mark (RockHead) and his friend Don in the Syclone did a great job. I'm sure Mark will chime in sooner or later to post up his exact times. Now here are my time slips from LVD on Saturday 1st run 2nd run 3rd run 4th run R/T .803 .718 .736 .727 60' 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 1/4mile 14.5 14.4 14.1 14.2 MPH 96 96 98 98 Now for my runs last night at Englishtown 1st run 2nd run 3rd run R/T .145 .060 60' 2.2 2.5 Red lighted 1/4mile 14.6 14.6 MPH 95 96 Ugh my times sucked last night, but my R/T was awesome for being a rookie. I'm at least happy with that. Oh well, there's always next time. I'm addicted to the track now. Let faster mods begin.
  5. I wasn't too happy with my times this time around because stupid me forgot to leave only a 1/4 tank of gas in my TBSS (I had almost a full tank). Anyways, I was extremely happy with my R/T. For those of you who saw me run at Lebanon Valley this past weekend, you saw my R/T being a consistant .7xx. Well...tonight my first R/T was .14 and my second R/T was .060! Unfortunately, my last run I red lighted. How's that for ya, Jeff? Better? I believe I ran a 14.5 @ 96MPH, but I'm not definitely sure because my time slips are in the car still. Once I get a moment I'll be sure to post all the numbers for each run. I'm still a rookie, so I hope with some time and practice I'll get much better at this. Now it's time for some new mods!
  6. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Jeff!
  7. Yea? Awesome! Hopefully my RT will get a little better. Is the tree set up the same way as LVD? Do you stage the same way as well? Ohhh I feel butterflies in my stomach already! Wish me luck.
  8. Kyle, from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry. My prayers are with you and your family. Please keep us posted.
  9. Don't believe him CoolBlue. Mr. P. was telling me how much he loved that Ford Edge and was thinking about trading his truck in for one. Isn't that right, Mr. P? You looked great in that vibrant orange egg! hahahaha
  10. Thank you. I will keep that in mind and will definitely let you know how I do. Yes, Mark and I are going this coming Wednesday. I know you are far, but if you were willing and able you should join us - or anyone else for that matter. kaotik - I tried the stalling thing, and it actually made me a tenth of a second faster.
  11. Thank you very much! I impressed myself as well! I'm going to the track again this week with Mark so we'll see how that goes! I want to do some more mods to it but not sure what. If you have any ideas by all means please run them by me. You and everybody else that raced did an awesome job. Can't wait to do it again!
  12. lmao It's all in good fun! Thank you so much though for all of your kind words, tips, and advice. Hopefully in due time I'll be wide awake at the tree with some practice.
  13. I'd also like to thank Matt and Shuan for putting together such an awesome event. I can't begin to describe how much fun I had. It was awesome seeing familar faces again and meeting new ones - especially you Mr. P because you came from quite a distance! Additionally, I'd like to thank everybody who helped me get the hang of that damn tree and for also giving me advice and tips. It's greatly appreciated. You silverado guys are definitely a fun and awesome crowd! Shuan - You got that right! I will most certainly be at all of the next drag meets - no doubt about it! Hopefully with some more new mods as well. Jeff - I want a rematch! Your reaction time was in your favor for that race. lol haha
  14. Yep. Here I am. Hello....however....I have a TBSS not a SSS.
  15. Well gee Hank and Kevin I feel the love! Forgetting about me, pfft! lol ;) Kevin you are driving through parsippany? Parsippany is like 2 min from me. Anyways...I am so excited about this weekend. Gonne be a grand ol' time.
  16. Aww Mr. P, leave Hank alone. Pick on somebody your own size. ;) *hint hint*
  17. Looks great, Mark! Can't wait to see it in person one of these days.
  18. Lmao Thanks, I know, right? I loved it when I saw it! I got into an argument with some members over at tbssowners, and it just fit so perfectly.
  19. Damn! Those things are the size of a house.
  20. John, I'm so sorry, sweetie. I wish it was me in the car with you when this happened. I'm glad you and your friend are OK. You still have my TBSS to drive in
  21. Let him come. Who cares as long as it's not hurtin' anyone.
  22. Yea Kevin...your truck is wicked fast for being stock!
  23. Check this crap out - kinda comical. Click Me!
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