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Everything posted by kckid1695

  1. 285/40/22 with keys up front turned all the way down. 305/40/22 with hangers and shackles out back. just put belltech spindles up front, but no pics yet.
  2. how much are looking to get out of it? Since I was just up there and bought Rich's
  3. kckid1695

    2bfast's Build

    It's never done till it gets sold
  4. kckid1695

    2bfast's Build

    It will never be done
  5. kckid1695

    2bfast's Build

  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chevrolet-S...=item35a7fca72a
  7. What he said was some paint damage and the cd player was damaged. I guess they were trying to stuff cd's in it and wouldn't take them. And some other small stuff. Looks like they took it for a joy ride. Not sure on the motor and transmission yet till it gets driven on how much joyriding was done.
  8. That is who was doing the repairs. It was found the next day in front of Vanhorn High School.
  9. Update DC's truck was found. It was the one I saw at the body shop today. He said he is getting it back from the shop later.
  10. UPDATE Just called Dc and it was his truck. Was found the next day after it was stolen.
  11. Did you ever get it back? Spotted one at the body shop at Cable Dahmer in the back with silver hockey stripes and a cowl hood. Post up if yo got her back.
  12. Someone had to put the gas in his truck. He said that he didn't want the smell of gas on this hands.
  13. Shaun how is Brian going to paypal you $50 when he can't even put gas in his truck.
  14. It looks really good in person. Brian did mine in my truck.
  15. You can tell it's Brians by the cover. Mine dosn't have a spolier on it.
  16. I have no clue of this gas that you speak of.
  17. The balck one maybe faster than pinky
  18. I hear he is painting black so it will be faster.
  19. Bass Pro will have a car show from 5pm to 9pm every second saturday of the month. And April 10 is the first one sponsored by the camero club Kansas City. Then KCRI has test-n-tune on April 10th. Found them listed here http://clubs.hemmings.com/clubsites/acckc/...Finder.cfm#CSSM
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