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Everything posted by 8hnpSS

  1. lol damn. thats all i can say there both awful
  2. had a fun time this weekend for sure. besides getting stuck in a thunderstorm later in the night and insane traffic on the parkway lol. cant wait till next year as usual
  3. going outside to wipe her down and vacuum LOL. im slacking this year. see you all later tonight
  4. tried your method of immediately turning it on and no go. still goes into REP. this is really getting annoying
  5. oh yea. ive been inserting the key and just going to the key on position to see if it goes REP or not. i guess ill try just starting it up tomorrow morning. but also if it goes into REP i just go out and unplug the harness and re connect it. once i put the key back REP is gone. this works every time just a bit annoying when its late out or in a rush. thanks for the info!
  6. there both beat up. but this one doesnt have dents LOL. next mod after all this is going to a body shop visit
  7. well said briana i have long tubes no cats going into a corsa sport. i couldn't be happier. quiet low end and nasty WOT
  8. havnt even touched the truck yet haha damn looks like i have my work cutout for me on friday..
  9. either go with P.I (precision industries) or circle D. ive had my P.I for 3 years now and i love it. but ive heard alot of great things about circle D
  10. umm why not just sell the pace car and buy a regular one? lol you could of made money
  11. nope time and presets are always correct. no idea about the tac box tho
  12. ok so i have the 3.0 x link and its been giving me a really weird issue. if i let the truck sit for more than 2 - 3 hours it will start up in REP mode. all of the connectors are in and white clips are on. now if i turn the truck off and unplug the X harness and plug it back in it goes away. does this EVERY time and its getting a bit annoying. wont go into REP mode at WOT or nothing ive gone on 3 hour drives with the truck and its fine. idk what else to do with it the truck is tuned and running strong. any suggestions would be good
  13. someone should send them an email lol
  14. nice build man! gonna be watching this one also. the t-case has handled over a thousand horse on 2 trucks on the site both being the 2 fastest trucks. i believe one of them popped and the other was still going until the truck was sold. but the case can handle alot of power there are very few failures with them, theres a guy from my area he doesnt post on here much but his truck is going to bust into the 10s once the weather clears up. still running the stock tcase. there are also many guys running 11s making 700~ crank with them. i would be more concerned about the front end than the case
  15. i think its happening already jon!! i have a sudden urge to get a full sleeve haha jk man. i hate those people also they make me not even want to own one sometimes.
  16. wait till you start modding and start beating on super cars haha nice man good to see your enjoying the rig
  17. gonna register today lol. the truck seems like its in shape to make the drive finally
  18. i wouldnt worry man. if your gonna be under warranty just go enjoy that animal! if you want go see what tahoeyukonforum.com has to say. i found a bunch of useful info on there when i had my 03. they have a NNBS section
  19. for the past 3 years ive been saying i was going to buy a bike every summer. well this summer i just went out and did it haha no shopping no nothing just went to the dealer picked it out chewed the price down and signed the papers. i havnt been able to put this thing down for the past 4 days its been my mode of transportation for everything. racked up 300 miles in 4 days id say im doing pretty good haha. its a 2010 harley davidson Fatboy. 1580 CC's and already has the vance and hines long shots on it. the day i picked it up from the dealer. came strait from work i didnt even change out of my pants haha
  20. thank you... some people think its motor oils are being researched by NASA or something. you literally cannot tell the difference between any of them
  21. oil is oil really... unless you need oil with zinc additive but in that case youd have a worked engine. the cap sais 5-30... nobody here is smarter then the engineers who designed the engine... so i dont see what this breakfast blend or whatever from Europe oil mixture has any relativity here. only time youd deter from the cap is if you live in abnormally hot or cold climates. that being said i run m1 5-30 with k&n filter. trucks been boosted for 30k now and i beat the shit out of it. still purrs like the day i got her
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