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Posts posted by Tzer

  1. hmm i dont have xm in my truck but i guess there is still the jack in the back. i have the 6 disk player do you knmow if it will still have the xm jack? and i cant seem to find this cable your talking about on ebay but i also dont know the name of it

    Try looking here first.

    This is the product that got shipped to me.



    Someone just had one here for sale in Oct.



    Wish I could be more helpful. I don't have the packages no more so I can't give you part numbers, But I think the earlier link in my other post might show part numbers. But I'm sure there are other companys that offer this same interface.


    Good Luck!

  2. Yes you can. You need to get and Ipod interface cable that piggybacks into your XM plugin.


    No need to contact fast4popper. He is not in that field anymore so try Ebay or your local stereo shop. Also you might try to find an interface that works for an iTouch if there are out there.

    I had this cable in my truck with a 5th gen iPod and it worked fine but when I got the iTouch It sitll worked but it wouldn't charge the iTouch. So I got an adaptor that plugs between the iPod and the cable and now it charges as well. If your not worried about charging, the cable will still play but it will tell you it won't charge each time you plug it in.

  3. Good Luck Bro.

    My wife cracked her ankle 3 weeks ago at work, But it seems like 3 months LOL

    She was in a hard cast for 2 weeks and now in a pump up walking cast I think they call it. Just takes time being our age and smokers.

    She's doing well, Went back to work on light sit down duty.


    I know I realized how much she does around the house from this and I thought I used to help a lot, and I did but there is lots more to be done...


    Again Good Luck and Wishing a speedy recovery :D

  4. If you want to go with the PC to prep the paint and actually REMOVE the swirl marks check out Adams Swirl & Haze Remover on an orange pad followed with Fine Machine Polish on a white pad. After you've buffed the paint out you can apply whatever product you like over the top... personally on my TBSS I prefer Americana Paste Wax


    I'm going with Dylan's words of advice here.


    They have a hell of a deal on the Adams site atm. I ordered this today....


    Daily Special: Adam's Fine Machine Polish, Machine Super Wax and a FREE Swirl and Haze Remover! $39.95


    Adams Daily Special


    I'm still going to get the Americana Wax but I'll try the Machine Super Wax out first since it's coming in the package. I already have all the proper pads for the PC so why not.


    How is the Machine Super Wax Dylan (If you read this topic again. Or has anyone else tried it?

  5. Damn!!!!


    All this detailing talk is making me depressed. The leaves are falling, the temp is dropping, and snow is on it's way. The SS does not see the attention it would get in the summer. I will be doing my winter prep tomorrow and the chrome wheels come off.


    I hear ya bro. I put the stockers on last weekend. Thinking about doing some prep here as well. UGH..........

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