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Everything posted by SrtBrad

  1. It's been a while since I posted last. Been a tough time for me in the last 6 months so I thought I'd do something that I love to do and have fun. The VTCOA is hosting it's 2nd Annual West Coast National GTG on May 9th 2009 at Sacramento CA. We are officially inviting your truck club to attend. We have the X Runner Forum and the SRT-C forum invited so far. We would like to also invite the Lighning forum as well. Please feel free to show up and attend. Here is the link: http://www.vtcoa.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30590 Please sign up on the list if you will be going
  2. I wish the supercharger kit for my truck was that cheap.
  3. I too will never forget and put in a moment of silence to the fallen hereos..................................................................
  4. Never Passive. Always agressive. But I always have fun "AT THE TRACK". Chase and many other SS's would own me at the track but it's all about what we do with our trucks not who is faster. Someone will always be faster than you no matter what. JFWY Back.
  5. My truck has a broken leg right now but it might be ready this Friday. I just might be able to make it.
  6. Some of the nicest people I know live in Compton, Watts, and other socalled "BAD AREAS". Some of the worst people I know live in my neighborhood of Beverly Hills. At least in your area you know who is who but out here in Beverly Hills you don't know who is who. Anyways I hope he gets his truck back soon. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Sweat-a...romo_179950.htm
  7. Thats a great time for a stock TBSS. In my video there is a white TBSS that ran 12's but I'm not sure what his power adders were: http://videos.streetfire.net/video/14-Mile...t-in_179945.htm
  8. Unless we have a few people that want to go I'll have to bow out due to a major damage to my Transmission, Body, Wheel, and Brakes, not to mention the clutch. MY Fing wheel FELL OFF coming off a freeway offramp. WTF. Here is the link to the whole story but I will also post a couple of pics here: http://www.vtcoa.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26801 I even saw a Blue SS that I went up to and asked if he was part of this forum. He looked at me krazy and rolled up his window. If people want to go then I'll go just to run video for you guys. Brad
  9. This event sounds like fun. I will try to make it but I'll need to deal with a few issues first: Here is the link to the full story: http://www.vtcoa.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26801
  10. Famosa racetrack in Bakersfield CA is host yet another test and tune night this Friday Sept 5 2008. Here is the link: http://www.famosoraceway.com/ There will be a few Srt10's to play with as well as some L's amongst other rides to have fun with. I will be videotaping the event and also doing a few runs myself. Here is what the videos look like: http://videos.streetfire.net/video/14-Mile...t-in_179945.htm Anybody in the LA area that wants to go give me a shout and we can roll together. Brad 323 896-3281
  11. Congrats on the kill. Anyone want to meet up in Bakersfield CA this Friday (Sept 5th) for the Test and Tune night. It's only $20 to race and you won't have to race on the streets when you see a 10. Here is the link: http://www.famosoraceway.com/ BTW I will also be taking video like this one: http://videos.streetfire.net/video/14-Mile...t-in_179945.htm I will also start a new thread on this as well.
  12. Looks like a top notch job. How long did it take to make them?
  13. Not only have I seen this video but I also filmed the video and posted it.
  14. Thought I'd share this video with my Chevy Bros: http://videos.streetfire.net/video/14-Mile...t-in_179945.htm Let me know what you think.
  15. Loved the video. It takes a long time to edit and put together a video. Great job.
  16. The video takes some time to download, edit and make internet ready including titles and music. If anyone would like to help edit and especially with the music department then let me know. I have complete editing facilities at my home.
  17. Thanks bro. I got some really cool video that I think you will like. If anyone wants a copy of the video or pics in full res let me know.
  18. Here is the link to the pics from the X Runner forum: http://www.xr-underground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17118 I can post the pics here as well. Let me know if you guys want me to start another thread with the same pics. The video should follow sometime next week.
  19. I was great to meet up with everyone. It was not what I had expected but it was OK. There was a lot of trucks and cops patroling the lot. Next time we should go to PCH and Main St in Huntington Beach. I will post up some pics in a few minuites.
  20. Just got back from Famosa in Bakersfield for a TNT. I'm meeting up with one of the Srt10 guys (Steven) at 11:10 am in Pasedena. We will be leaving from there to the Jack in The Box. Chase you have my number but I can't find your number. Give me a shout in the morning.
  21. Where is Chase's house? Also anyone want to go to Famosa in Bakersfield tonight for the TNT? I'm going with a few Srt10 guys. Call me if you would like to meet up. Brad 323 896-3281
  22. Looking at the original thread on the X Runner site makes no mention of the people bring food or drink other than don't bring alcohol. I have a 5 gallon cooler that I use for my son's B Ball team. I could bring that but what kind of drink should I fill it with?
  23. OK we have 3 Srt10's going now including Ryan or Tidnab from the VTCOA forum. He owns Mike Brady's old truck (World record holder). Also attending is Steven (YellowFeverQuad). Maybe we will get a few more members to go.
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