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Everything posted by canadianVRss

  1. My truck is parked for the winter right now, but i'll take one this weekend for ya when i go home. 10000k krypton kit is perfect man, just the right amount of blue.
  2. i've got the 10000k 35watt. never been pulled over......... for them. dont forget, every manifacturer has different colours. a 10000k ddm kit will be a different colour than a krypton kit.
  3. use search button, probably your front diff carrier bearings. mine hums too
  4. that dude that said you dont need better brakes is a dumbass. i hope he reads my response to his comment.
  5. yowwzza! 11mpg. i get like 14 in the city and 17 on the highway, sometimes better. i can usually get 600-700 km on a tank. somewhere around 400 miles highway.
  6. holy shit, that made me gage worse than the mouse!!! nasty loogie!
  7. So I did some thinking, and forgot to post, I left my back window open that night and that's how the little peckerhead must've got in. I bounce sheeted a lot after and even more when I parked it for winter. I even through a couple traps in there for good measure and I can say , the old girl is mouse free. Pretty sure that little guy was the only one. Yuppers ALBERTA = RAT FREE. I'm happy about that too Paul.
  8. That's what I was gettin at.
  9. Yup, pretty sure that's how it works.
  10. its just a little O ring, cheap fix, any auto store will have a "caliper piston repair kit" no biggie. good luck
  11. Block heaters = WIN! esspecially when it gets so cold you can pour propain out of the bottle and watch it pool on the ground in liquid form
  12. Thats crazy, social media can be a pain sometimes! One of the very few bonuses of living canada, 9.27 people per square mile, not too many people around to video tape stuff . too bad the original person that took the video didn't blank out their plates. Why isn't he getting hit with a distracted driving fine?!
  13. Belt squeak bro, happens to me too at WOT 1st to 2nd shift.
  14. Yup, pretty sure it was an option. Mines got one. A normal none sliding window does look cleaner though.
  15. That's normal, it'll engine break after it coasts for a bit. Something about fuel management from what I remember.
  16. Holy balls!! I'd be choked it might actually buff out.
  17. Oh yeah, I'm talking about self fabrication for sure. But what exactly makes our trucks so heavy? I've been on this weight fixation for a while. Any ideas on dropping more weight? Is there a front bumper underneath the cover? If so drop that and maybe fab up some aluminium brackets to hold the cover in place.
  18. oh man, sorry to hear about this shit show! hopefully everything works out. this is crazy, i'd be tripping balls!
  19. if its not too slushy out and the roads are clean/dry. take it to the car wash. clean it up, then park it in the garage and let it melt and dry then look for dirt, but it should be reasonably clean. i've taken my truck to town, washed it and drove home on a nice -15C day in winter and when i got home it was still clean! good luck!
  20. so lately i've been thinking. why has nobody done a tubular frame? the weight savings would be nice plus all the strain you would prevent on those hard AWD launchs and gas milage too! although the gas milage being the last of those points. Am i missing something? i read that the next gen silverado is possibley going to be magnesium frame or aluminium frame for weight/gas savings. although i'd imagine it'll be aluminium as i wouldnt want to own a frame thats flammable any thoughts?
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