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Posts posted by anaya83

  1. ok so yesterday i fill up my tank before going home, this morning when i was driving to work the display told me that the gas cap was loose, i didn't pay to much attention to it because i tought i left it like that, i told a friend what happened and he told me that i better be careful cause people put sugar in the gas tank to fu... up the engine, this is the first time i hear something like this , how true is this?? and if it's true how can i tell if someone did that to my truck?? :confused: thanx in advance

  2. i'm lookin at gettin the "TQ1601D" by planet audio.


    mono block, and plan to run it on 1ohm...


    anybody have luck with this or any problems?

    i don't know much about this company...

    and if you have any experience with their speakers let me know about those too.



    i've had a planet audio amplifier before and it was one of the best ones i've ever had besides memphis and jlaudio, no problems with planet audio

  3. RedPenisPump.JPG









































    btw are you sure you have hangers and not shackles? most people do shackles first.



    lol, i knew someone was going to post something like this, but i was waiting for someone to post the extenze pic

  4. those mofo's are BAD ! Deff have to be a good shot...but very worth it


    beleive me they are worth it, my friend has a few of those and it's just amazing how the head flies off when you hit it right in the middle



    I have seen them, and thought about buying one or two just to laugh. The head flopping off is hiliarious. The only problem is that when i hear a turkey gobble close i shake uncontrollably haha. I thought about getting some turkey broadheads. They dont penatrate that much to keep from ruining the meat. I dont care about the meat so ill use my deer broad heads and try not shootin threw wing feathers.


    lol, i too shake when i see one close and that is why i miss most of the time :(

  5. Well, I tried to contact this guy but seems that he got angry when I told him about the brake ducts and the badges...Now he wants to speed against me....What you all think ?


    do it, but don't forget to have a video camera with you when you race him :cheers:

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