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Posts posted by anaya83

  1. Street scene makes them . but they just don't fit right on the SS look how it does not line up with the side cladding . they are made to fit a standard silverado not the SS :confused: if they made it to fit properly to the side cladding of the SS i would get one...



    good to know, what if you do some mod. to it??

  2. thanx guys,i got a qoute from a body shop its gonna cost over $1100,its gonna cost me about $400 with the jimmi jammer and they're install and my insurance deductable.not too happy considering i just registered it today,oh well,stuff happens.



    the good thing is that you heard the alarm, something similar happened to me like a month ago but they also damaged the ignition switch and the cost of everything was 2300, you better be extra careful with your truck from now on :chevy:

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