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Posts posted by anaya83

  1. i hope i dont offend any body but those last three trucks have got to be mexican owened well at least the second and third one..... sun visor on the front and roll bar and back window covers non english speaking mexicans anyway :rollin: so funny you guys are great!!!



    It's funny because i've seen a lot of trucks with visors on the front and believe me they weren't mexicans, the mexicans i know would never drive a truck that ugly. i'm not trying to start an argument or anything like that, i just think that it would have been better if you just said that the owners of those truck had bad taste or something like that :chevy:

  2. i was wondering if anybody knew how to start a truck without the key, because i really need to move my truck from where it is right now, the steering wheel is not locked, as some of you know my truck was broken into, i'm not trying to steal a truck, pm me the info if someone knows please, i don't want to pay for a tow truck, it's like 250 to take to my house, thanx

  3. that sux man!!! Glad they didn't get away with it. this makes me think about doin something for my truck(even thout it isnt an SS) because this is hits so close to home.



    it doesn't matter that it's not an ss, you have a nice truck, thats all the thieves cares about, i was talking to a friend that lives in rio rancho and he said that the same thing happen to him, only difference is that his car was on his driveway and they got away with a laptop and some cds

  4. This has been one of the best forums I have ever been part of. Everyone has been extremely helpful and nice. I have gained a ton of information that has helped me make reasonable decisions on things for the truck. Thanks all! :cheers:

    congrats and ditto, i know i don't post much but that's because i'm a little shy :blush: , this site has helped me a lot and i don't know you guys that well but from what i have read i know everybody here is friendly :chevy:

  5. yes i did file a report, but i don't think there is much they can do, what the officer said is that since they stole my ipod i should give him the serial # just in case they find it anywhere they could arrest that person, i'm glad they only messed it up and didn't take it, i went and got an estimate on the damage and it's going to be around 600 so i'm just waiting on my insurance to call me to see how much i'm going to end up paying, i have always heard about other peoples cars being stolen or damaged, but this is the first time it happens to me and i sure hope is the last one, thanx for the support and info!!

  6. Man that sucks. They either could not figure out how to get it started or someone scared them off. Time for a good alarm.



    i don't think they knew what they were doing, i know i should have put a better alarm system, and i was going to do it this last saturday but i postponed for this coming saturday, now i regret it :banghead::banghead:

  7. so i'm getting out of work, and since i never use the key to open the door (like all of you do) i did't notice that the lock thing was all the way pushed into the door, as i was getting into my truck i notice two pieces on the passenger seat (which i knew i didn't leave there) so i was like what the hell is that, i grabbed them and they were those pieces that cover the ignition, so then i looked at the ignition and i just saw cables hanging around and also the hole where you insert the key was not visible, i am so f**** pissed, :rant: , sorry about the long post but at least i got some of the anger out


    i have some pictures ,bad quality though because they were taken with my cell phone, i guess now i have to start looking for a new ignition and door handle



    just on a side note you guys better be careful with your trucks, because with economy like this, this kind of things are going to happen a lot





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